Orange County NC Website
Resolution Acknowledging The 1Nomen's Center of Orange County for Assisting <br />1Nomen and Children to Improve Their Standard of Living by Asset Management <br />and V1lealth Building through the Individual Development Account {IDA) Program <br />Whereas, discrimination, economic injustice and limited opportunity continue to present <br />real barriers to women's full and equal participation in the United States throughout every stage <br />of women's lives; and <br />Whereas, in keeping with the goals of the Orange County Commission far Women, <br />Orange County is committed to improving the quality of life of women and children in the County <br />and eliminating barriers which prevent equality for all women without regard to race, color, <br />national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, familial status or source of income; and <br />Whereas, North Carolina ranks 40t" amongst states for women's median annual <br />earnings, 39th among states far women living above the poverty level, and 56 percent of <br />working poor families are headed by women; and <br />Whereas, in Orange County 6.2 percent of families live in poverty, 17.6 percent of these <br />families are headed by women and 38 percent of female headed households with children <br />under the age of five live in poverty; and <br />Whereas, the effects of asset building for women and their families include increased <br />economic sufficiency, family and household stability, mental health and physical well being, and <br />civic and community involvement; and <br />Whereas, IDA programs increase homeownership rates and research reveals that <br />homeownership is linked to increased educational attainment for children and decreased rates <br />of intergenerational poverty; and <br />Whereas, Orange County continues to actively identify and pursue programs that <br />improve the economic, educational, and institutional equality for women and their families; <br />Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Board of County Commissioners officially <br />acknowledges the Women's Center of Orange County far its work to improve the status of <br />women and children in the County through its efforts to build women's financial skills and gain <br />long-term financial assets, empowering them to move their families to economic sufficiency and <br />stability. <br />This the 9t" day of February 2006. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />acknowledge The Women's Center far its work administering the Individual Development <br />Account (IDA) program with Orange County and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Ann Gerhart, Executive Director of the Women's Center, thanked Orange County for its <br />partnership in the IDA program. She said that the program is in its second cycle and they hope <br />to build a dream for 20 families to achieve homeownership. <br />7. Special Presentations <br />