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Hired Car Physical Damage Coverage Auto Loan/Lease Gap Coverage <br /> The following is added to SECTION MU -- PHYSICAL The following is added to SECTION YYY, A. 4. -- <br /> DAMAGE COVERAGE, Paragraph A. 4. Coverage Coverage Extensions: <br />| <br /> Extensions: d' If |o leased "auto" covered "auto'for <br />� c. If Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or the Physical Damage Coverage applicable to o <br /> Collision coverage is provided by this poUcy, may total "loss," and the lessor ioanadditional insured <br /> extend that coverage to apply to Physical Damage under this Coverage Part, we will pay the differ- <br /> "loss" to hired "autos." We will provide coverage equal ence between amounts you owe the lessor under <br /> to the broadest coverage available to any ncxxaned the lease terms and the amount uf insurance paid <br /> ^auto" shown in the Declarations. But, the most vvawill the lessor for the total^|osm~ of the covered ~auto^ <br /> pay for^|oeo^ to hired "auto" in any one "accident" is minus: any payments overdue at the time of the <br /> the lesser of: loss; any financial penalties imposed due to wear <br /> I. $75,000; or and tear, high mileage or similar charges; any <br /> security deposits not refunded by the lessor; any <br /> 2. The actual cash value of the damaged or stolen costs for credit life, health and accident, or <br /> property as of the time of the"loss"; or disability insurance; any costs for extended <br /> 3. The actual cost of repairing or replacing the damaged warranties; or any carry over balances from <br /> or stolen property with other property of like kind or previous leases or loans. You are responsible for <br /> quality. A part is of like kind and quality when it is of the deductible applicable to the "loss" for the <br /> equal or better condition than the pre-accident part.We covered"auto." <br /> will use the original equipment from the manufacturer Personal Effects <br /> when: The following is added to of SECTION III, A. 4. <br /> (a) The operational safety of the vehicle might Coverage Extensions: <br /> otherwise be impaired; e. If Comprehensive Coverage is provided on this <br /> (b) Reasonable and diligent efforts to locate the coverage form for a covered "auto" you own and <br /> appropriate rebuilt, aftermarket or used part have that covered "auto" is stolen, we will pay up to the <br /> been unsuccessful; Limit of Insurance shown on the Commercial <br /> (c) A new original equipment part of like kind and Automobile Extension Supplemental Schedule, <br /> quality is available and will result in the lowest without application of a deductible, for personal <br /> overall repair cost; effects that are stolen with that covered "auto." <br /> (d) For vehicles insured under policies written on or Personal effects do not include jewelry, tools, <br /> before December 31, 2003, the vehicle has been money or securities. This coverage is excess over <br /> used no more than 15,000 miles unless the pre- any other collectible insurance. <br /> accident condition warrants otherwise; or The Following is added to SECTION III, A. 4. <br /> (e) For vehicles insured under policies written on or Coverage Extensions: <br /> after January 1, 2004, the vehicle has been used f. If you are a Board of Education, Municipality or <br /> no more than 20,000 miles unless the pre-accident other Governmental Entity, or Volunteer Emer- <br /> condition warrants otherwise. gency Services Organization, we will pay up to <br /> For each hired"auto"our obligation to pay"loss"will be $1,000 or the amount of the deductible under any <br /> reduced by a deductible equal to the highest deductible auto policy available to your volunteer or em- <br /> applicable to any owned "auto" for that coverage. No ployee, whichever is less, for any "loss" described <br /> deductible will be applied to "loss" caused by fire or in this section to any "auto" owned or used by a <br /> lightning. We will also pay up to$750 per"accident"for volunteer or employee while en route to and <br /> loss of use of the hired "auto" if it results from an during any official duty authorized by you. In no <br /> .accident" for which you are legally liable. The lessor event will we pay for any "loss" under this <br /> must suffer an actual financial "loss" for this coverage Coverage to any"auto" owned, hired, or borrowed <br /> to apply. by your organization. <br /> Hired Car Physical Damage Coverage provided by this <br /> extension is excess over any other collectible <br /> Copyright, 2010 Selective Insurance Company of America.All rights reserved. CA 77 35 02 10 <br /> Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.,with its permission. Page 6 of 8 <br /> 0 - I J <br />