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1. Your ongoing operations, "your product," or premises f. Products which, after distribution or sale by <br /> owned or used by you; however this provision does not you, have been labeled or re-labeled or used <br /> include any architects, engineers, or surveyors with as a container, part of ingredient of any other <br /> respect to any injury or damage arising out of the thing or substance by or for the vendor; <br /> rendering or failure to render any professional services however this insurance does not apply to any <br /> by or for you, including: insured person or organization, from who you <br /> a. The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or have acquired such products, or any ingredi- <br /> approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, ent, part or container, entering into, accom- <br /> surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings panying or containing such products. <br /> and specifications; or This coverage shall be excess with respect to the <br /> b. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineer- person or organization included as an additional <br /> ing activities. insured by its provisions; any other insurance that <br /> person or organization has shall be primary with <br /> 2. Your maintenance, operation or use of equipment, respect to this insurance, unless this coverage is <br /> other than aircraft, "auto" or watercraft, rented or required to be primary and/or not contributory in the <br /> leased to you by such person or organization. A person contract, agreement or permit referred to above. <br /> or organization's status as an additional insured under <br /> this endorsement ends when their contract or agree- The provisions of this coverage extension do not apply <br /> ment with you for such rented or leased equipment unless the written contract or written agreement has <br /> ends. With respect to the insurance afforded to these been executed (executed means signed by the named <br /> additional insureds, this insurance does not apply to insured) or written permit issued prior to the "bodily <br /> any "occurrence" which takes place after the rental injury"or"property damage". <br /> agreement or equipment lease expires. Incidental Malpractice <br /> 3. "Bodily injury" or"property damage" arising out of"your With respect to the section of WHO IS AN INSURED <br /> products" which are distributed or sold in the regular dealing with employees as insureds, the exclusion <br /> course of the vendor's business, however the insur- relating to providing or failing to provide professional <br /> ance afforded the vendor does not apply to: health care services does not apply to nurses, <br /> a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which the emergency medical technicians or paramedics. How- <br /> vendor is obligated to pay damages by reason of ever this exception does not apply if you are in the <br /> the assumption of liability in a contract or agree- business or occupation of providing any such profes- <br /> ment; however this exclusion does not apply to sional services. <br /> liability for damages that the vendor would have in "Golfing Facilities" -Golf or Tennis Pros <br /> the absence of the contract, agreement; The following are also additional insureds under WHO <br /> b. Any express warranty unauthorized by you; IS AN INSURED: <br /> c. Any physical or chemical change in the product If you operate a "golfing facility", any golf or tennis <br /> made intentionally by the vendor; pros. Golf or tennis pros means any person, other <br /> d. Repackaging, unless unpacked solely for the than your"employees", whose primary responsibilities <br /> purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or include golf or tennis instruction or operation of a golf <br /> the substitution of parts under instructions from the or tennis pro shop, however only with respect to their <br /> manufacturer, and then repackaged in the original liability for your activities, or activities they perform on <br /> container; your behalf, or their liability for the maintenance, use <br /> or operation of golf or tennis pro shop premises you <br /> e. Any failure to make such inspections, adjustments, rent or lease to them. <br /> tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to <br /> make or normally undertakes to make in the usual LIMITS OF INSURANCE <br /> course of business in connection with the sale of Increased Medical Payments <br /> the product; or The following is added to LIMITS OF INSURANCE: <br /> The Medical Expense Limit under COVERAGE C will <br /> be $15,000, or the amount shown in the Declarations <br /> for Medical Expense Limit, whichever is higher. <br /> All other terms and conditions of COVERAGE C. <br /> MEDICAL PAYMENTS remain unchanged. <br /> Copyright, 2009 Selective Insurance Company of America.All rights reserved. CG 72 02 01 10 <br /> Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 6 of 7 <br />