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COVERAGE B.PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY Employees As Insureds Modified <br /> LIABILITY <br /> The exclusion relating to injury to a co-"employee" <br /> EXCLUSIONS does not apply bm injury to, or property damo to the <br /> The exclusion of relating to liability assumed in o contract . a temporary v�`nkar umuseo o co- <br /> or agreement only applies to damages arising out of 'amP|mYee~ who is not a "temporary worker". This <br /> advertisement. exclusion also does not apply toacp-^emp|oyee^with <br /> respects to bodily injury only, in which damages are <br /> COVERAGE MEDICAL PAYMENTS caused by card io-pu|mpnary resuscitation <br /> or first aid <br /> EXCLUSIONS services administered by such an^amphoye ^. <br /> Any Insured Amendment Newly Formed OrAcquired Organizations <br /> The following is added to this section: The following amendments are made to the insured <br /> The exclusion applicable to any insured does not apply to: provision relating to newly acquired or formed organi- <br /> 1. "Golfing facility" members who are not paid a fee, zations, as granted under WHO IS AN INSURED: <br /> salary, or other compensation; or Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the <br /> 180th day after you acquire or form the organization or <br /> 2. "Not-for-profit members". the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier. <br /> Product Amendment However, COVERAGE A does not apply to "bodily <br /> The exclusion applicable to the 'products-completed injury 11 or "property damage" that occurred before you <br /> operations hazard" does not apply to "your products" sold acquired or formed the organization. <br /> for use or consumption on your premises, while such If you are engaged in the business of construction of <br /> products are still on your premises, if you are a not-for- dwellings three stories or less in height, or other <br /> profit operation or a"golfing facility". buildings three stories or less in height and less than <br /> 25,000 square feet in area, you will also be an insured <br /> Recreational Medical Payments-Amateur Golf with respect to"your work" only, for the period of time <br /> If you are a "golfing facility", the exclusion applicable to a described above, for your liability arising out of the <br /> person while taking part in athletics does not apply to a conduct of any partnership or joint venture of which <br /> person as a result of their participation in amateur athletics you are or were a member, even if that partnership or <br /> that are recreational in nature. joint venture is not shown as a Named Insured. <br /> SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND However, this provision only applies if you maintain or <br /> B maintained an interest of at least fifty percent in that <br /> partnership or joint venture for the period of that <br /> Expenses For Bail Bonds And Loss Of Earnings relationship. This provision does not apply to any <br /> The provisions of SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - partnership or joint venture that has been dissolved or <br /> COVERAGES A AND B are amended as follows: otherwise ceased to function for more than thirty-six <br /> Subject to all other provisions of this section, the limitations months. This coverage extension will be excess over <br /> for expenses for bail bonds and loss of earnings are any other coverage, on any basis, available to the <br /> increased as follows: we will pay up to $3,000 for the cost insured, and will be subject to the Other Insurance <br /> of bail bonds, and up to $1,000 a day for loss of earnings provisions of this policy for Excess Insurance. <br /> because of time off from work. (All other provisions of this section continue un- <br /> WHO IS AN INSURED-Amendments changed.) <br /> Not-for-Profit Organization Members Blanket Additional Insureds Including Broad Form <br /> If you are an organization other than a partnership, joint Vendors -As Required By Contract <br /> venture, or a limited liability company, and you are a not- WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an <br /> for-profit organization, WHO IS AN INSURED is amended additional insured any person or organization whom <br /> to include as additional insureds your officials, trustees you have agreed in a written contract, written agree- <br /> board members, insurance managers, and "not-for-profii ment or written permit to add as an additional insured <br /> members", however only with respect to their liability for on your policy. Such person or organization is an <br /> your activities or activities they perform on your behalf. additional insured only with respect to liability for <br /> "bodily injury" or "property damage" or 'personal and <br /> advertising injury"caused, in whole or in part, by: <br /> Copyright, 2009 Selective Insurance Company of America.All rights reserved. CG 72 02 01 10 <br /> Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.,with its permission. Page 4 of 7 <br />