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(g) Loss of facultative reinsurance, or B. The following provisions are added and supersede <br /> loss of or substantial changes In any other provisions to the contrary: <br /> applicable reinsurance as 1. Nonrenewal <br /> provided in G.S.58-41-30; a. If we elect not to renew this policy,we will <br /> (h) Conviction of the insured of a mail or deliver to the first Named Insured <br /> crime arising out of acts that shown in the Declarations written notice of <br /> materially affect the insurability of nonrenewal at least 45 days prior to the: <br /> the risk; <br /> (1) A determination by the (1) Expiration of the policy if this policy <br /> Commissioner of Insurance that has been written for one year or less; <br /> the continuation of the policy or <br /> would place us in violation of the (2) Anniversary date of the policy if this <br /> laws of North Carolina;or policy has been written for more than <br /> You fall to meet the requirements one year or for an indefinite term. <br /> contained in our corporate charter, b. We need not mail or deliver the notice of <br /> articles of Incorporation or by-laws nonrenewal if you have: <br /> when we are a company (1) Insured property covered under this <br /> organized for the sole purpose of policy, under any other insurance <br /> providing members of an policy; <br /> organization with insurance (2) Accepted replacement coverage;or <br /> coverage in North Carolina. (3) Requested or agreed to nonrenewal of <br /> We will mail or deliver written notice of this policy. <br /> cancellation to the first Named Insured at <br /> least: c. If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be <br /> sufficient proof of notice. <br /> (1) 15 days before the effective <br /> date of cancellation if we 2. The written notice of cancellation or <br /> cancel for nonpayment of nonrenewal will: <br /> premium;or a. Be mailed or delivered to the first Named <br /> (11) 30 days before the effective Insured and any designated mortgagee or <br /> date of cancellation if we loss payee at their address shown in the <br /> cancel for any other reason, policy, or If not indicated In the policy, at <br /> c. Cancellation for nonpayment of premium their last known addresses;and <br /> will not become effective if you pay the b. State the reason or reasons for <br /> premium amount due before the effective cancellation or nonrenewal, <br /> date of cancellation. <br /> d. We may also cancel this policy for any <br /> reason not stated above provided we <br /> obtain your prior written consent. <br /> Page 2 of 2 0 ISO Properties,Inc.,2007 IL 02 69 09 08 <br />