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i <br /> IL 02 69 09 08 <br /> THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> i <br /> NORTH CAROLINA CHANGES - CANCELLATION <br /> AND NONRENEWAL <br /> This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br /> CAPITAL ASSETS PROGRAM(OUTPUT POLICY)COVERAGE PART <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. <br /> COMMERCIAL INLAND MARINE COVERAGE PART <br /> COMMERCIAL LIABILITY UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART <br /> COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE PART <br /> CRIME AND FIDELITY COVERAGE PART <br /> EMPLOYMENT-REALTED PRACTICES LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN COVERAGE PART <br /> FARM COVERAGE PART <br /> FARM UMBRELLA LIABILITY POLICY <br /> LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART i <br /> POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> A. Paragraph 2. of the Cancellation Common Policy (b) An act or omission by the insured <br /> Condition is replaced by the following: or his or her representative that <br /> 2. Cancellation Requirements constitutes material <br /> a. Policies In Effect Less Than 60 Days misrepresentation or <br /> nondisclosure of a material fact in <br /> If this policy has been in effect for less obtaining this policy, continuing <br /> than 60 days,we may cancel this policy by this policy or presenting a claim <br /> mailing or delivering to the first Named under this policy; <br /> Insured written notice of cancellation at <br /> (c) Increased hazard or material <br /> least: <br /> change in the risk assumed that j <br /> (1) 15 days before the effective date of could not have been reasonably <br /> cancellation if we cancel for contemplated by the parties at the <br /> nonpayment of premium;or time of assumption of the risk; <br /> (2) 30 days before the effective date of (d) Substantial breach of contractual j <br /> cancellation if we cancel for any other duties, conditions or warranties i <br /> reason. that materially affects the <br /> b. Policies In Effect More Than 60 Days insurability of the risk; <br /> If this policy has been in effect for 60 days (e) A fraudulent act against us by the <br /> or more, or is a renewal of a policy we insured or his or her <br /> issued, we may cancel this policy prior to representative that materially <br /> the: affects the insurability of the risk; <br /> (1) Expiration of the policy term;or (t) Willful failure by the insured or his <br /> (2) Anniversary date, or her representative to institute <br /> reasonable loss control measures I <br /> stated in the policy only for one or more of that materially affect the <br /> the following reasons: insurability of the risk after written <br /> (a) Nonpayment of premium; notice by us; <br /> I <br /> i <br /> IL 02 69 09 08 ©ISO Properties,Inc.,2007 Page 1 of 2 <br /> i <br /> i <br />