Orange County NC Website
Challenges to Access to Care: Medical & Dental Services <br />• Started primary care in 200b in Hillsborough; about 231 regular patients <br />• Evening clinics in both locations <br />• Added another night for free dental clinic through SHAC in Carrboro <br />• Central Carolina Health Network formed <br />• Need: Provide dental services 5 days/wk at both locations <br />Challenges to Access to Care: Technology, Training, & Facilities <br />• Aging software systems for patient charting, billing and data collection <br />• Technology efficiencies for field based staff <br />• Training needs far staff have increased with increasing complexity of medical and <br />dental practice <br />• Clinical facilities too small for patient loads <br />• Evaluation of cost of supporting dual clinical sites <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that several years back, some departments like the <br />Health Department had a Tech Support person and Rosemary Summers said that they <br />were supporting part of the position for Social Services and they are no longer <br />supporting that position. It is totally a Social Services position. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the rent in Carrboro and it was answered <br />$58,OOOIyear. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the cost of dual clinical sites and Rosemary <br />Summers said that as they ask far new facilities, they are going to look at the cost of <br />facilities at both ends of the counties. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if they have revisited the original proposal for the dental <br />facility at Southern Human Services Center and Rosemary Summers said na. Chair <br />Jacobs said that he would be interested in them looking at that and Rosemary Summers <br />said that they would. <br />Overarching: Community Outreach and Education <br />• Clearly articulate & raise awareness of who we are, what we do and what we stand <br />for <br />• Increase knowledge of the breadth & depth of services that benefit all community <br />members <br />• Educate on emerging health issues: dental health, obesity, tobacco use, diabetes, <br />asthma, lead, air and water quality <br />Overarching: Community Outreach & Education <br />• Develop a comprehensive outreach, education & communication plan that includes <br />environmental issues in the context of health <br />• Create additional tools that aid the community in areas such as environmental health, <br />vital records <br />• Improve two-way communication between the public and the department <br />