<br /> ^
<br /> 37* Burris Place
<br /> Chapel North Carolina 27516
<br /> (919) 933-9007
<br /> 'bcrgmmanamd7@ymhmw.comm
<br />� TE»cw/muExren/awcE
<br /> Saint Thomas More Catholic School, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
<br /> Catholic Diocese ofRaleigh
<br /> !work as one of six counselors who organize and,upem},c activities for approximately fifty children,in grades*8,
<br /> enrolled in the school's after school program.As art coordinator, I plan and direct projects that allow the children to
<br /> work with a variety of media and different methods to produce art for personal use and for community events. Our
<br /> program stresses the importance of environmental awareness and stewardship.We encourage the creative reuse n|
<br /> simple and scrap materials.
<br /> In addition to the after school program, | worked as an assistant in a First Grade in 2006.and currently work as an
<br /> assistant in aToin]Grade classroom.These experiences have increased my understanding of the methods used in
<br /> grade level instruction,early literacy,and how art education can be used to enhance learning in the early grades.
<br /> 2007'2008 TEACHER VISUAL ARTS, PRE K-8
<br /> Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic School, Cory, North Carolina
<br /> Catholic Diocese of Raleigh
<br /> As the sole visual arts teacher for students in Grades Pre K through eight,I taught a sequential program that
<br /> instructed students in variety ofmedia, allowing them tn complete individual and group projects as they acquired the
<br /> skills necessary to produce successful two-and three-dimensional artworks.The program was designed to meet
<br /> guidelines set by both the Diocese and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
<br /> At Saint Michael's, my students completed a number of school-wide projects that showcased their art and served the
<br /> school community.These projects included set design for music and drama productions,art for Mardi Gras and Earth
<br /> Day celebrations, art for school fundraising rvent,, for book fairs,and forpcd[ic religious observations.
<br /> 2005'2006 TEACHER, VISUAL ARTS, PRE K-J
<br /> Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic School
<br /> NaAe Forest, North Carolina
<br /> Catholic Diocese ofRaleigh
<br /> At Saint Camerine',. |was one of five part-time elective teachers and I taught Visual Arts to students in grades Pre K-
<br /> 5,With limited space and no dedicated art mom.I had to modify lesson plans and reduce the scale ofcertain pnNects,
<br /> while still retaining the scope of the instructional program.
<br /> 2007-2005 TEACHER, VISUAL ARTS, FRE-K-8
<br /> Saint Mary Catholic School, Hillsborough, North[o/nhno
<br /> Catholic Diocese o/Raleigh
<br /> From the inception o,the school, I worked to develop a program in the Visual Arts that would afford students in grades
<br /> Pre K through eight the opportunity to dcve|opski||s in art production and exposure to art history,critidsm,and
<br /> aesthetics. Drawing,painting,printmaking,sculpture,and fiber arts were the primary areas of concentration.
<br /> |n spring ZV05. | initiated and organized a school-wide cultural arts festival focused on the countries nf Southeast Asia
<br /> and East Africa.Students in each grade level learned about the art and traditions o,a specific country and created
<br /> ortwn,x,cosmmes,and short plays to honor the m|mrc,of this region of the wm,W
<br /> |n2004 and 2005, 1 served as chairman of the school profile committee for accreditation. I directed committee
<br /> members in administering a survey of parents,teachers, students and selected individuals affiliated with the school to
<br /> determine their perceptions and to identify areas o,strength and weakness. My training in marketing and survey
<br /> research proved useful in planning and completing this process.
<br /> 7997'2001 TEACHER VISUAL ARTS 6'6
<br /> [N( Stanford Middle School, Hillsborough, North Carolina
<br /> Orange County Schools
<br /> The visual arts program I developed for students in grades 6-8 was designed to parallel the social studies curriculum,
<br /> with sixth graders learning the traditions of Western Art,seventh graders the art of non-Western cultures,and eighth
<br /> graders American art. At each grade level, students worked with a variety of media while learning to appreciate and
<br /> to produce original artworks. Students completed group projects as well, including set designs and a series of large-
<br /> scale msm|!auonsusinwrccvc|ed materials,o focus attention on environmental issues,
<br />