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in the machines to make them accessible to the owners of the machines and a limited basis to <br />the Boards of Elections. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is a reason that they want three optical scan <br />machines for each of the County's three one-stop voting sites, which is that you need three <br />machines to tabulate the precincts separately because there is a limit of 18 precincts. She <br />asked if the Board of Elections wanted these machines in order to separate the precincts. Rod <br />Visser said that the County BOE did not address this specific point and they will take this <br />question back. <br />Pat Sanes said that if you want the statistics, you have to have the three machines on <br />election night. But they do have a 60-day timeframe after that to get the stats. <br />Rod Visser said that he would like to discuss this with Carolyn Cates and the BOE and <br />see if there are different ways to configure it. He would like to work it out with the grant money <br />available. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to authorize staff to go up to the amount <br />of $649,744 if it is necessary to have the three optical scan machines for each of the one-stop <br />voting sites. She would like to be able to transport the machines after the one-stop voting is <br />done. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />accept the Board of Election's recommendation to acquire optical scan and AutoMark voting <br />equipment (with the inclusion of the three optical scan machines for each of the three one-stop <br />voting sites that may cost up to $649,744}; approve the acceptance of the grant award; and <br />authorize the Manager or his designee, and/or whomever the State Board of Elections may <br />subsequently specify as the appropriate signatory, to execute all documents necessary to the <br />acquisition, installation, and implementation of the new voting equipment. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Fire and Rescue Service Study Proposal Award <br />The Board considered awarding a contract for a Fire and Rescue Assessment and Plan <br />from Sage Consulting Group from Raleigh, N.C. at a cost of $25,000, and authorizing the <br />Purchasing Director to execute the necessary paperwork. <br />Rod Visser said that last May, the County Commissioners held a work session and they <br />talked about the desirability to find out how Orange County provides fire and rescue services, <br />particularly volunteer. The Board authorized a study and scope of work, which became a <br />Request for Proposal. He said that the proposal from Sage Consulting Group could be <br />accomplished within the budgeted funds that the County Commissioners appropriated in the <br />2005-2006 budget. <br />EMS Director Jack Ball said that they identified the three vendors and did phone <br />interviews and background checks. Based an the interviews and background checks, each of <br />the committee members submitted the ranking and it was unanimous for Sage. He said that <br />there were also glowing reports from other jurisdictions that had used Sage for similar work. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to page 12 where it is estimated to take <br />approximately 200 billable hours. He asked if the consulting group would stop billing after 200 <br />billable hours. Jack Ball said that $25,000 is the cast for the actual expense and Sage said that <br />they could do this in 200 hours. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought they were going to include emergency <br />evacuation procedures. Jack Ball said that they would discuss with Sage to include this. He <br />said that FEMA has came out with additional funding for looking at mass evacuations and <br />Homeland Security has come out with a study that they are requesting to add to this study. He <br />said that, in reference to the evacuation plans, they have had four meetings with their partners <br />in identifying evacuation routes, how to plan far fuel, etc. The Emergency Management <br />Specialist has also met with several of the transportation industries. They have also contacted <br />