Orange County NC Website
The Board conducted a public hearing an matters related to financing the acquisition of <br />the facility located at 510 Meadowlands Drive, Hillsborough, and considered adopting the <br />resolution that authorizes the financing. <br />John Link said that this building has been referred to as the Tweeter Building, which will <br />give the County some much needed space far certain departments. <br />Finance Director Ken Chavious said that at the meeting on December 13, 2005, the <br />County Commissioners authorized the purchase of this facility. The total cost is $1,735,000, <br />which includes non-inventory equipment valued at $35,000. The Board was informed that the <br />owner wishes to finance the purchase of the facility and the terms of the proposed financing <br />include an up-front payment of $50,000 by the County, with the remaining being financed over a <br />ten-year period at an interest rate of 5%. The Board has authorized him to proceed with the <br />Local Government Commission for approval of the financing. The Board will be required to <br />adopt a resolution and the draft financing agreement. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the cost per square foot and it was answered $771square foot <br />and Pam Jones said that a new building would be $150-$200/square foot. <br />There was no ptablic comment <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the Manager's recommendation to adapt the resolution, which is incorporated by <br />reference, authorizing the financing of the facility located at 510 Meadowlands Drive, <br />Hillsborough in the amount of $1,735,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Acquisition of Voting Machines <br />The Board considered approving the acquisition of new voting equipment necessary to <br />ensure the County's compliance with State and federal election law. <br />John Link said that the state Board of Election has decertified the existing voting <br />equipment in most counties in North Carolina, but there is federal money to replace these <br />machines. A lot of changes have occurred. <br />Rod Visser said that one of the things that has complicated this is the time constraints. <br />Far example, there is no contract that the State or County would enter into with the one certified <br />vendor. This is supposed to happen this week. He said that the federal grant money will not <br />come to the County but will go to the State to order the machines and the County will submit the <br />grant application form, which also has not been created. The recommendation is for the County <br />Commissioners to approve the purchase of 100 optical scan machines and AutoMark machines. <br />He said that the County Board of Election staff has looked at equipment requirements, and they <br />may need to spend as much as $650,000, but the federal grant money available is only <br />$626,025. This is based on how many additional machines might need to be put atone-stop <br />voting facilities. The Board does not need to pursue this tonight. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Gordan were at a demonstration of these <br />machines a couple of weeks ago. He said that last year at this time there was a State <br />Legislative Commission on voting, and this was because of a failure of some electronic <br />machines to record the results in a way that was saved. It was demonstrated that it was <br />possible to manipulate the results of electronic machines and to erase the fact that they had <br />been manipulated. Therefore, there was a push to have paper records of voting results. The <br />result was legislation that had strict parameters, including the ability of the State to have codes <br />