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Commissioner Carey asked how they got to this point with the offer. Pam Jones said <br />that Toben Properties came to the County. Others expressed interest in this property last year <br />and did not get this far. Toben then came with an offer and this is the process where they can <br />accept the offer and sell the property. She said that they did go through the process to see if <br />the property would be usable to the County in any manner and they determined that it was nat. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if the County had additional properties like this. He would <br />like a list of these properties. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the lots were buildable and Pam Jones said that they <br />determined that they were not buildable, particularly for affordable housing. According to <br />Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes, they are like strips of land. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the process and Pam Jones said that the Clerk <br />would put an ad in the newspaper for anyone else to bid on the property. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Faushee to <br />declare the subject property as surplus; and approve the resolution, which recommends sale of <br />the subject property on Graham Street, Chapel Hill, NC subject to upset bid, to Toben <br />Properties, LLC, Chapel Hill for the sum of $38,018; and direct the Clerk to the Board to <br />advertise as indicated in the resolution; and authorize the Attorney, Manager, and his designees <br />to execute documents to affect the sale at such time the upset bid requirements may be met. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />a. Proclamation Recognizing February as "Human Relations Month" <br />The Board considered proclaiming the month of February as "Human Relations Month" <br />in Orange County and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Human Rights and Relations Director Milan Pham said that every February is Human <br />Rights and Relations month and they will have a panel on "Shades of Brown and Social <br />Justice." This will focus on the issues of communities of color and their collective and individual <br />movements. They will also be having a play about Latino youth and they will be having native <br />dance festivities. <br />Chair Jacobs asked why they are not doing the Pauli Murray awards this year and Milan <br />Pham said that the Human Relations Commission is taking this year to spend more time <br />gathering information about social justice. They will resume taking nominations for the Pauli <br />Murray award next year. <br />Milan Pham read the proclamation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />proclaim the month of February as "Human Relations Month" in Orange County as stated below <br />and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners believes that in order to <br />achieve justice and equal opportunity for all Orange County residents, we must all strive to <br />create an atmosphere where people are valued and accepted rather than merely tolerated, and <br />therefore continue to promote the ideology of social justice for all; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Human Relations Commission and Department of <br />Human Rights and Relations have diligently served the County of Orange since 1995 are <br />committed to promoting equal treatment, opportunity and understanding throughout the <br />community; and <br />