Orange County NC Website
3. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Foushee - na comments. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she came from a Recreation and Parks Advisory <br />Council meeting and they would like an update on community use and park use of school <br />facilities for the two school systems. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that the TTA kicked off its route from Hillsborough to Chapel <br />Hill/Carrbara and UNC. There was a good turnout. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the newsletter from the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he attended a meeting of the Friends of Central <br />Orange Senior Center Board of Directors. He said that many seniors are very active in trying to <br />raise money. He said that several months ago he brought up the challenges of the Department <br />on Aging an printing and mailing the Senior Times since the change in ownership of the Durham <br />Herald Sun. He said that the seniors have pledged to give $2,400 to help print and mail a <br />county publication. He is outraged that senior citizens have to raise this kind of money to mail <br />out a government publication. He thinks this is the government's responsibility. He requested <br />an update on this from Department an Aging Director Jerry Passmore at the next meeting. He <br />said that Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey was going to convene a meeting of other <br />departments to see if there were opportunities to combine resources for this effort of publication <br />and printing. He asked for a report from the Manager at the next meeting on this issue. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that for two years they have been dealing with DOT about <br />road signs pointing how to get to the Senior Center. There is now a couple of signs, but not in <br />downtown Hillsborough. The seniors want to put up more of their own signs to direct people to <br />their center. The signs will cost $800 and he would like the County to pay for these. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis respectfully asked that at the next meeting for the Manager to <br />report on who voted to take away sales tax reimbursements from the school systems. He wants <br />to see it in writing. If the State legislature did this, he would like to put it in writing to the school <br />systems. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he went to visit an ailing friend on US 70 and he saw <br />that Hoyle King has moved a section of his fencing and exposed more of his junk. There are <br />concerned citizens on both sides of him that have put up signs that the County cannot control it. <br />He knows that the County has done a great jab with trying to fix this problem. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he asked the Board awhile back to start recognizing <br />employees who serve the citizens of Orange County and who are saving money, etc. He is <br />speaking specifically about Sheriff Pendergrass. He made reference to a three-page report <br />from the Sheriff on January 10th, which highlights some of his activities. He said that the Sheriff <br />is bringing over $2 million a year with U. S. Marshal reimbursements and other reimbursements. <br />He said that the Sheriff has also reduced mileage on average of 10-15,000 miles a month, <br />saving gasoline. He wants to prepare a resolution of appreciation thanking the Sheriff for what <br />he has done far the County. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he would like to see a written statement on haw the <br />school tax mechanism will work and the turnaround time. <br />Chair Jacobs said that at the TJCOG Chairs meeting there was an update an TTA and it <br />was reported that the Federal Transit Authority is changing the rules again next week for the <br />regional rail system, and they were encouraged by the FTA administrators. They started talking <br />through some of the assumptions about the rail system versus a bus system. The bus <br />alternative includes the assumption that HOV lanes will be installed on I-40 by 2030 and all of <br />the TIP projects proposed for the region will have been put in place by 2030. Bath of these are <br />fairly unlikely at this paint. He said that the air quality impact has not been taken into account. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to County publications and the issue of branding County <br />materials. This was discussed briefly at the retreat, and he wants to make sure that the Board <br />