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from Sage Consulting Group from Raleigh, N.C. at a cost of $25,000, and authorize the <br />Purchasing Director to execute the necessary paperwork. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (Schools APFO} -Approval of <br />Membership and Capacity Numbers <br />The Board considered approval of November 15, 2005 membership and capacity <br />numbers for both school districts {Orange County Schools and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />Schools), which will be used in developing 10-year student membership projections and the <br />2006 SAPFO Technical Advisory Committee {SAPFOTAC} Report and authorizing the Chair to <br />sign the appropriate farms. <br />Rod Uisser said that this step is a precursor to having the SAPFO Technical Advisory <br />Committee, which is comprised of the Planning Directors, attorneys, school representatives, and <br />municipality representatives. The committee comes together and produces an annual report. <br />He said that this annual report should be ready in the next 4-6 weeks. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the November 15, 2005 membership and capacity numbers for both school districts <br />{Orange County Schools and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools), which will be used in <br />developing 10-year student membership projections and the 2006 SAPFO Technical Advisory <br />Committee {SAPFOTAC) Report and authorize the Chair to sign the appropriate forms. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that neither of the Superintendents signed the elementary <br />school forms. Rod Visser said that they have signed it, but they did not have the signed forms <br />in their possession at the time of this agenda item. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if this follows the ordinance since OCS Middle School #3 <br />and CHCCS High School #3 were exempted. Rod Visser said yes. He said that they have <br />been wrestling with the State mandate to reduce class size in K-3. The school collaboration <br />work group discussed this issue on November 10t" and the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of all three <br />governing boards, the Manager, and the Superintendents reached consensus that, given the <br />situation, the best approach to dealing with this in the short term was to acknowledge that they <br />would move to the lower studentlteacher ratios in K-3 and it would be indicated as a footnote on <br />the forms. They want to do this when the next elementary school comes online, which looks to <br />be CHCCS Elementary School #10 in academic year 2008-2009. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Acquisition of Replacement Electronic Mail System Software <br />The Board considered approving the purchase of Microsoft Outlook/Exchange email and <br />Active Directory networking software, and consulting services, to address replacement of the <br />County email and networking system and authorizing the Purchasing Director to execute the <br />necessary paperwork. <br />Rod Visser said that the Information Technology Committee has been looking at options <br />for the email system. Staff is recommending moving from Novell to Microsoft Exchange Outlook <br />and this will increase the reliability of the email system. This can be accomplished within <br />funding under the Information Technology Plan for 2005-06. <br />Chief Information Officer Todd Janes said that they have had a lot of reliability issues <br />with the email system. The outages have caused disruptions to productivity and Novell has not <br />responded competently. They have conferred with peers in other local governments who have <br />seen this same issue. He said that there would be an overall positive financial impact because <br />the licensing costs for Novell software has been $44,000 a year each year, and the Microsoft <br />licensing costs will be $37,000, but will not recur in subsequent years. However, they will not <br />have free upgrade rights. This means that in 3-4 years, if they need to upgrade to a new <br />