<br /> For 2012-2013 Grant
<br /> Organizational Profile-Mission and History
<br /> Our mission since 1991,when The DooR to DooR program of UNC Health Care was founded in association with UNC Hospital
<br /> Administrators and Physicians, is to bring life and joy and solace to the patients,their families and the care giving staff by integrating
<br /> into the hospital environment the gifts of our finest artists. Chosen for their artistic excellence and communication skills, and then
<br /> escorted directly to the patients for visits running from 3-30 minutes,over 2,000 artists have visited well over 100,000 hospital
<br /> denizens. UNC Hospitals has 688 in patient beds and many thousands of visitors,medical and assisting staff.
<br /> Door to DooR's excellent performing,(cello,piano,guitar,mandolin,violin,sitar,accordion, flute,percussion,harp,hammer
<br /> dulcimer,ukulele, lyre,bass,harmonica and a cappella song)literary,(poet,actor,comedian,story teller,rap artist,)and visual artist,
<br /> (painter,water colorist,photographer,caricaturist,cartoonist,origami and collage maker,)bring their arts into the patients' rooms,as
<br /> well as Psychiatric Units,Burn Center,Ambulatory Care Center,staff rooms,Oncology and Chemotherapy Clinics,Surgery,
<br /> Emergency,Pediatric Waiting Areas and lobbies,which become mini-theaters and classrooms. Those visits evoke words like these
<br /> from patients,staff and our artists:
<br /> Patients:
<br /> I thought it was excellent. It got my mind off the pain.-Burn Unit
<br /> You don't know how much it means to me.-Patient Room
<br /> Thank you for treating me like a person,not only a patient. -Cardiology
<br /> Staff:
<br /> I don't know about anyone else,but I enjoy the many talented artists that grace the stage and the Children's waiting area of the NC
<br /> Children's Hospital. Thank you for enriching my life. -Employee at the Information Desk.
<br /> I wish you played here everyday. -Charge Nurse
<br /> Staff had three times the energy after being mesmerized by the musician's talents. -RN
<br /> Artists:
<br /> The door to door program is the most rewarding work I have ever done as a performer. Singing in the cancer patient's room is
<br /> bringing a direct message of joy,beauty and humanity to someone who desperately needs it,perhaps more than anyone in the world.
<br /> The results are almost always immediate and life changing. Artist: Jonathan Byrd,Guitar and Original Songs
<br /> I've been playing music for a long time,but playing for DooR to DooR has made me a musician.
<br /> Artist:Terry Allebaugh,Harmonicas
<br /> Current Programs and Services-a brief List
<br /> 1. Artists escorted to patient rooms,waiting areas,clinics and units,approximately 10 visits a month,120 visits a year.
<br /> 2. 10 Artists visit on a rotating basis to work with the child,adolescent,eating disorders,crisis,psychosis and geriatric units
<br /> almost all on the weekends.
<br /> 3. Drumming Circle once a month with a Master Drummer. Two-one hour drumming sessions at two of the Psychiatric in-
<br /> patient wards.
<br /> 4. Several Volunteer Artists: Alan Grier,guitar and songs,visits the children 5 days a week. Suzanne Mays,Lyre,visits adults
<br /> in Bone Marrow and Intensive Care,one day a week,Helen Wolfson,Hammered Dulcimer visits adults especially women,one
<br /> day a month. Roy Schmidt,gives an harmonica and book of music to the pediatric patients. He teaches children to play the
<br /> harmonica before he leaves.
<br /> 5. ArtHeels,called"a key to DooR to DooR"during the school year,UNC art majors and others,volunteer to visit mostly child
<br /> patients with mostly visual arts and clowning and some music. The first year there were 15 volunteers,by second year second
<br /> semester there were 50 volunteers extremely well organized by Senior,Katy Heubel. They visit patients 6 days a week. The
<br /> new head of ArtHeels takes over in the Autumn. They are a Club at UNCH and even more interest is growing in the student
<br /> population.
<br /> 6. DooR to DooR website maintained,photographs added as often as possible taken by director Joy Javits and sometimes by
<br /> others. The designer of the website is Andrea Ferguson,of Ride Again Productions,a supporter of the program. She donated
<br /> the design and a year of webhosting. She charges a nominal fee to maintain and update this excellent website:
<br />
<br /> 7. Maintain the pianos one in the lobby of the NC Children's Hospital,one in the Crisis Psychiatric Unit and one more in the
<br /> Dining Area for the Rehabilitation Patients. Pianists play there,tuning and cleaning are coordinated by DooR to DooR.
<br /> artists work a bit more interactively with the patients. For example,Gabriel Pelli brought his fiddle to play and also brought a
<br /> small guitar which he tuned with an open string and that allowed several patients who said,"I'm not at all musical"to have a
<br />