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system. Geof Gledhill said that this is talking about municipal roads and this is not directed <br />toward construction of state roads and this is principally to help with city roads. <br />Chair Jacobs said that when Geof Gledhill does look into general statute 153a-331 that <br />relates to the municipalities, it might be simpler to ask for a change in that statute and instead of <br />saying "roads" say "public transportation". <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked staff to fallow up on what it would cost Orange County <br />government to keep the OPT system running if all outside funding dried up. <br />Chair Jacobs said that if they do joint planning with other jurisdictions, he would like to <br />explore other avenues within their purview. For example, Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh are <br />talking about wanting to raise the sales tax to help pay for public transportation. Orange County <br />has not signed onto this, but they could explore it. Geof Gledhill said that he would look at this. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with talking about other sources of revenue. She said that <br />this is a regional conversation that needs to take place. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Geof Gledhill to speak about where the County stands with payment-in- <br />lieufar parks. Geof Gledhill said that the County does collect payment-in-lieu funds all the time <br />and the money goes to the individual trust accounts set up for the parks system. The issue is <br />that it is difficult to justify on a house-by-house basis because it is a small amount of money. <br />Craig Benedict said part of the Tischler study was to examine the existing level of service <br />that Orange County now has with parks and trying to set a standard that new development <br />would adhere ta. The first phase of the Tischler study was reviewing the level of service <br />standard now in place and the projected level of service based on commitments the County is <br />making. Tischler said that if the County's level of service commitment hits a target for the <br />facilities coming online, the development community could be held to a payment-in-lieu to match <br />this standard. The funds far the last stage of the Tischler study were pulled out of the budget, <br />so it is in limbo right now. They will suggest the last phase in the upcoming budget. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he would list this as an additional expense that may appear in this <br />year's budget. He said that he keeps thinking about all the 300-unit subdivisions that Mebane is <br />putting in Orange County's jurisdiction. All of these people will be coming to Orange County for <br />services. <br />Passible Establishment of, and Charge to, Budget Committee: <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the role of this committee. John Link said that he <br />suggested taking the management team and including one or two Commissioners, sharing <br />where they are with the budget during the upcoming months, and sharing minutes of these <br />meetings with the rest of the Board. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the budget process should be improved over last year. He <br />does not want to come dawn to the third week in June and still be getting handouts, new <br />numbers, etc. He said that he was receiving information late last night and they need to <br />improve the delivery system of materials. He said that they need to relate to schools and the <br />citizens soon what the County can and cannot afford. He said that a committee could speed up <br />the process but he does not want to be on it. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed with Commissioner Halkiotis about the delivery of information. <br />He said that the issue is how the County Commissioners can all stay up to date. He thinks that <br />the Board needs to be the budget committee as a whale. He is wondering what the budget <br />committee would contribute that goes beyond the priorities the Board sets. He wants to set <br />some clear priorities. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed that the budget process should be improved. She is willing to <br />work with anyone as early as possible. She said that the difficulty is getting information too late <br />and they need to move the process up. She said that the statutes say that the school boards <br />get information to the Board by a certain date and the Manager has to give his recommended <br />