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Commissioner Gordon suggested that the staff come up with a recommendation on how to <br />handle this, because the County Commissioners meet an every night of the week except Friday. <br />John Link said that the Board of County Commissioners creates boards and commissions, <br />and some are created by the general assembly and mandated. Even in the mandated cases, if <br />the board expects a Commissioner to be there and there is a conflict with a County <br />Commissioners' meeting, it is up to that board to make the adjustment. He said that the answer <br />is to do it as quickly as possible in the year, and as soon as the Board of County <br />Commissioners has the calendar established, the advisory board can make the adjustments as <br />soon as possible. <br />Chair Jacobs said that sometimes there is a conflict of inadequate meeting space, and the <br />Space Needs Committee will be looking at this issue. <br />John Link said that everyone has other parts of their life, and he wants to make sure that <br />every meeting, once it is set, if they cannot have it, that it be canceled. <br />RETREAT PROCESS EVALUATIONICOMMENTS <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that everything went smoothly. He said that the Board does a <br />lot and staff is asked to do too much at times. He appreciates that all of the County <br />Commissioners have the same sense of caring about doing the best they can for people, and <br />they never get to the point where there is personal animosity that he sees in a lot of elected <br />boards. He is glad to do this retreat on a Friday. <br />Commissioner Foushee agreed with Commissioner Halkiotis. She thinks that the <br />atmosphere in the room was conducive to what needed to be done. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed with having the retreat on a Friday. He thanked Andy Sachs for <br />facilitating the meeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon thanked the staff for all they have done. She suggested a slightly <br />larger table. She feels good about the retreat and the day. <br />Commissioner Carey said that they have the best staff in the state and the retreats always <br />bring value and focus the Board on its priorities. The proof for this retreat will be in March. He <br />wants to continue the progress. <br />John Link echoed what the Board said and thanked Andy Sachs, the Chair and Vice-Chair <br />in developing the agenda, and the staff for all of the hard work. <br />ADJOURN <br />With no further items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 3:53:05 PM. <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />