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7}Adopt small area plan for Efland-Mebane: <br />This is included in the Long Range and Current Planning tab in the blue binder. <br />Chair Jacobs said that it would be good to develop priorities of what they want to <br />accomplish with Mebane. He said that there is no real framework for the Board having given <br />direction for these discussions. <br />Commissioner Carey said that there are 3-4 substantive principles to glean from the current <br />joint planning agreements with the towns. <br />Chair Jacobs asked that these principles be brought back on January 31St <br />8} Establish plan to create assessment project for water and sewer in Economic <br />Development District: <br />Chair Jacobs said that this should be in place by the time the middle school opens. There <br />are already same inquiries from the Department of Commerce for the EDD. This is one of the <br />things that should be discussed with Mebane since it is going to provide the utility. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it is important far the budget drivers to do this in a timely <br />manner. <br />Chair Jacobs said that under the Goals and Objectives, there is Water and Sewer System <br />Development. The first line is Expansion of the Efland Sewer System and a secondary aspect <br />of this is, when the Efland/Mebane work group makes its recommendations, according to this <br />timetable in March, it also has relevance to water and sewer. He would like to get this on a <br />work session during this budget cycle. He thinks it is important to set up a timetable before <br />asking for more bond money. <br />9} Continue talkslpursue long-term agreement with Orange-Alamance Water System: <br />Commissioner Carey said that they have all learned something from the discussions when <br />Orange-Alamance has been in the room in the past year. <br />Chair Jacobs said that having a plan for Efland/Mebane will give some direction on where <br />development might occur. Orange-Alamance expressed an interest in helping with <br />infrastructure. <br />1 QI11 }Adopt Environmental Responsibility Goal <br />Implement an environmental responsibility goal within County government <br />Implement structure to advance Environmental Responsibility goals within County <br />government: <br />Chair Jacobs said that one of the goals and objectives mentions an internal group of <br />department heads that were looking at other areas like pesticide use, offering low-flow fixtures <br />to the public, and he did not see any place where this responsibility was invested. He asked <br />who would follow through on this goal. <br />Jahn Link said that he would ask Dave Stancil to follow upon this. This will be added to the <br />list. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the alternative would be to ask the Commission for the Environment <br />to work on it so that it would not take up more staff time. <br />12} Develop and implement an energy conservation initiative: <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is still committed to this and it is moving forward. <br />13} Develop SustainabilitylGreen Building Standards: <br />Chair Jacobs said that this was in the Environmental Responsibility Goal. <br />