Orange County NC Website
LUNCH <br />BOCC PRIORITIES <br />Andy Sachs said that there are two pieces to this section -one is preparation for the <br />priority setting efforts {2 hours set aside for this) and the other is Boards and Commissions. He <br />made reference to the blue binder, which includes goals that the Board set in 2002 (blue binder) <br />and short-term priorities set last fall. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the previously established goals and objectives. <br />She said that she did not have time to review these because we just received the goals and <br />objectives notebook last night and she is not prepared to discuss this. She needs more time to <br />review it. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he has heard from 2-3 Commissioners that they wanted to start <br />out the retreat with goals and objectives. He said that the one page cover sheet makes it at <br />least accessible. <br />County Commissioners' Priorities List: <br />John Link made reference to the first page after tab 4, the Top Priorities, and said that these <br />are not the total of top priorities, but they are ones that have welled up during the course of the <br />last few months. He suggested that the Board start discussing from this page. <br />Andy Sachs suggested that from 1:34-2:15 that the Board look over the priorities in the <br />white binder, and then at 2:15 the Board could brainstorm priorities for 2446-47. <br />Discussion ensued on how the Board should discuss the priorities. <br />The cover sheets for each priority begin an attachment 4b-1. These were listed by <br />exception only. <br />1 }Improve Budget and CIP development process (provide regular in-depth updates of <br />the budget drivers affecting the operating and capital budgets, thereby facilitating fiscal <br />responsibility): <br />This was discussed previously. <br />2} Define new capital funding policy (finalize the new capital funding policy}: <br />Commissioner Carey said that they adopted a new capital funding policy last year. Chair <br />Jacobs said that they did not adopt a formal statement and then Commissioner Carey said that <br />they adopted the text. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she would like to see the written text since there does not <br />seem to be clarity between Commissioners about this. <br />Commissioner Carey said that this is important because the lottery money now needs to be <br />incorporated into the policy. <br />3} 2006-16 CIP (Develop the 2006-16 CIP early in the budget cycle}: <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this is very important and they used to do it early in the <br />budget cycle. She would like to get back to this. <br />4} Review Changes to EMS planning reflective of Board of County Commissioners <br />Comments: <br />Chair Jacobs said that after Hurricane Katrina they discussed this issue, made some <br />suggestions, and asked far an update. <br />5} Launch study of emergency management/firelrescue squad services: <br />This is on a future agenda. <br />