Minutes - 20060120
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060120
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Commissioner Carey agreed that they need to put emotions aside when they talk about <br />equity issues. He wonders if they asked someone like Bob Segal to look at this issue for them, <br />and he wonders what he would say about the issue of how to achieve equity and whether the <br />school systems should be merged. He made reference to the Grumet report and said that <br />maybe they should ask the school systems to take along-term view. The school boards may <br />have a different perception than the Board. He learned from the tax referendum that people in <br />the County system do not think that a district tax is the best way to address the equity issue. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he agrees that they need to have the school boards to say what they <br />think. He also believes that, at some level, by funding outside the per-pupil, they will free up <br />money that now goes to per-pupil expenditures. The schools can then set their own priorities. <br />He sees this as an opportunity to give the schools more flexibility. He also agrees that the <br />referendum said something about the district tax with the Orange County school system, but two <br />different groups were speaking simultaneously. He agreed with Commissioner Foushee that we <br />should not demean people who want to spend more to educate their children, and that was one <br />of the voices. He said that there are only three options -merger, status quo, or raise taxes. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that they should get the school boards' opinions and they need <br />to ask bath of them what they think about funding. She would like to get a statement from the <br />OCS about the district tax and how the difference should be funded. If you lower the CHCCS <br />district tax, then you raise the countywide property tax. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested working on articulating questions for each school board and asking <br />them to consider getting back to the Board by the work session on March 13t" <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he read a survey in the Chapel Hill newspaper about an <br />OCS district tax and these residents were overwhelmingly in favor of it. <br />Andy Sachs asked that the Board discuss what questions they would ask the school boards. <br />Commissioner Gordan suggested big picture questions like "How would you define school <br />equity?"; "What do you think about the per-pupil approach versus a non per-pupil approach?"; "If <br />it is a non per-pupil approach, what would you like the Board of County Commissioners to <br />include in that?"; and "How would you like the schools to be funded?" <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this is too open ended. He does not want to hear from the <br />OCS Board about their differing views. He wants to deal with the merger issue and then move <br />on to equity. He said that if another series of questions were opened up, then they would be <br />going back to point zero. He thinks the Board knows where everyone stands. <br />John Link said that when you talked about merger, you had to talk about financial impact. <br />One system was revenue neutral and the other faced an 18-cent tax increase. He said that the <br />message from the OCS citizens in November was that they do not want a district tax. There is a <br />question that he thinks is fair to ask the OCS Board - "What is the means by which you as a <br />school board wish to have with funding addressed in the future?" <br />Commissioner Carey said that he thinks that they need to come up with some questions to <br />both school systems and have the collaboration group to look at the questions. The answers <br />are still just advisory to the Board because the Board has to make the decision. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he does not want to ask for direction from the school districts. He <br />can see three questions: "What is your definition of equity?"; "We're inclined to increase funding <br />on an equal basis outside per-pupil. What areas would you be most interested in seeing us <br />adopt?"; and to the OCS: "Do you want mare funding? And if you do, how do you see that <br />coming about?" He thinks that the OCS Board needs to give a clear statement. He said that <br />the Manager tried to offer the option of outside the per-pupil and it was repudiated by the Chair <br />and another member of the Board. He wants to try and move it forward as expeditiously and <br />simply as possible. <br />The Board agreed that each County Commissioner would write out a definition of school <br />equity and share it at the next work session. <br />
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