Orange County NC Website
Soil Services,PLLC <br /> Proj ect No. 1 ll 6-1 <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> The wetland delineation and stream buffer evaluation for the Mount Sinai Tract was <br /> completed by Soil Services on June l, 2012. This site contains jurisdictional streams and <br /> wetland areas that that may require preconstruction authorization for impacts, depending on the <br /> size and nature of the impact (i.e. road construction, lot fill, stormwater pond construction, etc.). <br /> USACE and NC DWQ verification of our site assessment should be obtained. Following <br /> verification meetings with regulatory agencies, the next step in the stream and wetland <br /> identification and permitting process is to obtain a field survey of our delineation for formal <br /> approval by the USACE. Upon completing the survey, these site constraints may then be <br /> integrated into planning for property development. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Sarah Ilene Wheeler, LSS <br /> Soil Services, PLLC <br /> Exhibits: <br /> 1) USGS Topographic Quad <br /> 2) NRCS Soil Survey <br /> 3) Wetland Sketch Map <br /> 4) DWQ Stream Forms <br /> 5) USACE Stream Forms <br /> 6) Data Forms <br /> 7) USACE Determination Letter <br /> 8) Orange County Evaluation Letter(to come at a later date) <br /> 4of4 <br />