Orange County NC Website
I Orange County Class A SUP Application Dunhill Ma�or Subdivision Chapel Hill NC <br /> For subdivisions outside of the Rural Buffer and jurisdiction of the JPA, the OC 2011 UDO allows and <br /> encourages the design of 'Flexible' or 'Cluster' development plans. The primary purpose of the <br /> flexible/cluster subdivision development design standards is to increase the amount of preserved open <br /> space while allowing for the same maximum calculated lot yield as conventional subdivision plans. <br /> This equivalent lot yield, with increased open space is achieved by decreasing the minimum lot sizes <br /> and building setbacks, and reserving this area as 'open space' within the community. <br /> However the JPA lot size restriction specifically prohibits the reduction of lot size below a minimum of 2 <br /> acres, and precludes the application of 'Flexible Development' designs in the Rural Buffer. For this <br /> reason, the applicant has submitted a subdivision plan that follows the requirements of the 201 1 UDO <br /> and the JPA standards for a 'Conventional' subdivision, using a minimum lot-size of 2 acres and a <br /> calculated density of 2.63 acres/lot. <br /> SUI► �IIT <br /> DESIGN AND ENGINEERING SERVICES PAGE 5 OF 14 <br />