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Commissioner Halkiotis requested that the Manager present the County Commissioners <br />with a list of financial accomplishments by members of County government. He referred to the <br />Manager's memo, which described the work of Milan Pham and the Human Rights and <br />Relations Department and money coming back to the County. He would like to see a list of <br />people that have saved money or made money for the County by doing something <br />extraordinary. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he met with the Sheriff last week and he asked about a <br />truck parked for the special response team. This was a donation from a citizen and he would <br />like to recognize the Sheriff for this. He thinks the Sheriff has also pulled in money from the <br />U.S. Marshall's office. He suggested that the Space Needs Committee add the jail to the list of <br />things to look at to see if the jail is at maximum capacity. He said that the Sheriff is going to put <br />together a list of all of the things he has done. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Assistant Caunty Manager Gwen Harvey because she <br />found a county in Mississippi that needs assistance from Hurricane Katrina. He is going to work <br />with Gwen Harvey to put together a package to help these people. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked John Link to help him understand what is going on with <br />the middle college being an alternative to the traditional high school. He said that OCS is <br />having discussions about their alternative school serving suspended students along with <br />students who may want to go there as an alternative to high school. He thought this was what <br />middle college was for. He wants to know how many alternative programs the County will be <br />asked to fund. He agrees with Liz Brawn far voting against this proposal because she said that <br />the building is starting to determine what the program is going to be. He thinks it is bad to <br />design a program to fit the building that will be built. He asked John Link to follow up on this. <br />John Link said that he understood that the alternative school was for students with <br />behavioral problems and that the middle college was for students that were not adapting to the <br />regular curriculum. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the middle college concept has not changed. He thinks <br />that the total enrollment being planned is over 1 Q0. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that CHCCS has very effectively used mobile units on their <br />Lincoln Center ground. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she attended the TTA meeting and that both Senator <br />Dole and Congressman Price had written letters in support of TTA using the guidelines in which <br />the rail project was designed. They were also told that TTA would receive an additional $20 <br />million. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she and Commissioner Jacobs were at the kickoff of the <br />Master Aging Plan program. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that the two Transportation Advisory Committees, CAMPO <br />and DCHC, had a joint meeting. One of the topics discussed was the development of the motor <br />vehicle emission budgets which will be decided by the State after receiving local input. The <br />State is recommending that it be done county by county. The two MPOs are going to try and <br />came up with a position. <br />Chair Jacobs asked to have a moment of silence in memory of Gordon Warren, who was <br />on the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group, the Ag Center Work Group, the Ag Preservation <br />Board, the Cattlemen's Association and Eno River Association. He was very dedicated to the <br />welfare of Orange County. He passed away last night. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that he write a letter of thanks to Senator Dole and <br />Congressman Price far supporting TTA. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Gordon met with the Master Aging Plan <br />program, which wan a statewide award for its foresightedness and forwardness. It is a five-year <br />plan and there were about 70 volunteers. They will come back with recommendations in the <br />