Minutes - 20051121
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20051121
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8/14/2008 2:24:28 PM
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8/13/2008 2:36:39 PM
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Agenda - 11-21-2005-1
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Commissioner Gordon said that in terms of the land use element, the planning board is <br />the lead advisory board and the other boards have done little yet to develop their <br />element. She said she does not see any other advisory board changing the role of the <br />planning board as the lead board on the land use element. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt asked haw far do they ga beyond the tasks that are listed under the word <br />"planning". <br />Ted Treibel said that they have discussed how better they can serve the Board of <br />County Commissioners and under 2006 Planning Board Tasks/BOCC Goals, item # 7, <br />"the integration of sustainable development principles, including economic development, <br />into planning and zoning issues, " he said that he did not think they were linking planning <br />with economic development and he wants to know haw can they all be mutually <br />inclusive. <br />Renee Price said she was confused as to who would be overseeing the comprehensive <br />plan. She said that the zoning ordinance said that the planning board has the authority <br />over the comprehensive plan. <br />Geof Gledhill said the North Carolina General Statutes in creating planning far local <br />governments calls for all land use elements to be done pursuant to a comprehensive <br />plan. He said that the statute does not contemplate a comprehensive plan as Orange <br />County is doing theirs and this may be causing some of the confusion. He said that <br />Orange County has taken the notion of a comprehensive plan and developed it into <br />something that incorporates many areas and elements and he said that Orange County <br />has strayed positively from what most local governments do with the comprehensive <br />plan. <br />Chair Carey said that in the process, the Commissioners have created these different <br />advisory boards that report to the Board of County Commissioners and that they have <br />had discussions about how do they work with boards that are working simultaneously on <br />the comprehensive plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she remembers the previous comprehensive plan and <br />the terms "comprehensive plan" and "land-use plan" were used almost interchangeably. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that what has happened over the years is that there are <br />these elements that are well defined with boards and staff associated with them. She <br />does not think that the planning board has last anything, but that the process has gotten <br />sa much bigger. She said that now it may take 2-3 years to do all of these <br />comprehensive plan elements and the way it is now is that the planning board is to <br />advise the Commissioners an the land use element. <br />Renee Price wanted to know who would have the lead role an the comprehensive plan <br />and Commissioner Gordon said that would be the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the comprehensive plan does not exist as an entity and is only a <br />description. Renee Price said that this is not written down and Chair Carey said it is <br />written up in each of these element plans. <br />Craig Benedict said that they have evolved into different elements with more advisory <br />boards and staff and this was not anticipated in 1981. He said that all items go back to <br />the planning board if it has a regulatory aspect to it and that linkage needs to remain. <br />
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