Minutes - 20051121
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20051121
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8/14/2008 2:24:28 PM
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8/13/2008 2:36:39 PM
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Agenda - 11-21-2005-1
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up then they should proceed with a joint meeting with another board to discuss mutual <br />interests before it comes to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Brian Dobyns said that is what they meant with item #3 (enhance communication with <br />other advisory boards to integrate strategic planning efforts) because if they as a <br />planning board had more familiarity of topics of concern from other boards, then this <br />could be mutually beneficial to all. But he said right now that there is not enough <br />information provided about the other boards, such as their agenda and minutes and he <br />would like to be able to review this information from other boards. <br />Commissioner Gordon said with respect to the Commission for the Environment that the <br />planning board should look at their State of the Environment report because this gives a <br />good overview of this board. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said all of the boards and commissions should have minutes of <br />their meetings and they could have board staffs to email them out. <br />Geof Gledhill said in reviewing comprehensive planning matters, the county looks to the <br />planning board but that it may be worthwhile far the planning board to then look at other <br />boards before making a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners for the <br />full impact of any decisions made. <br />Chair Carey asked if there were other ways to integrate the different boards. <br />Craig Benedict said that item #1 under 2006 Planning Board Goals - "Inclusion of the <br />Orange County planning board in the Extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) and Transition <br />area development and planning recommendations," references the Commissioners' <br />planning board appointments to Hillsborough, Chapel Hill and the Carrboro Planning <br />boards. He said that once these individuals are appointed, they have nat been brought <br />back to the fold to learn such things as what does the Board of County Commissioners <br />want them to do on these boards and what is their role. He recommended a possible <br />training session with a jurisdiction's planning board members that are appointed to the <br />various planning boards. <br />Craig Benedict said he has touched base with the County's appointees but infrequently <br />and he thinks that their role could be more defined. He said that the County does have a <br />courtesy review agreement with the Town of Hillsborough but it is a fast turnaround. <br />Craig Benedict said if there was some interest on the planning board for him to pursue <br />this then he would have staff begin the process. <br />Commissioner Gordon said the structure of boards in the other entities have Orange <br />County members on them to give their particular board input on the county and she said <br />that Craig Benedict is proposing some interaction that they do not have now. She is not <br />sure how this would work. <br />Chair Carey said that this is something they should consider and appointees now don't <br />have expectations and the Board of County Commissioners need to have expectations <br />of these appointees. He said that there is going to be more of this if we want them to <br />have an impact on the boards that they are appointed to serve on. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that they had asked for their Chapel Hill Parks and <br />Recreation board representative to report back to them periodically through email but for <br />
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