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mental health categary. There must be a letter of support for the facilities. A lot of different <br />agencies will have to be involved in this and zoning is just the land use portion of this. The <br />rules are constantly changing at the State level. He said that he probably would not put the <br />codes in the ordinance itself, except to maybe use it as a reference in the office to determine <br />the categories. <br />John Link said that he would urge being cautious prior to changing codes until there is a clear <br />understanding of what is going to happen in mental health and other facilities. He could see <br />that some codes might be created that would prevent some kind of facility from being served by <br />the revenue stream. He said that they should do only what they have to do by some kind of <br />federal regulations. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she feels a great need far the big picture in trying to adjust <br />the regulations. She made reference to pages 12 and 13 and that definitions are being <br />amended. She is not sure what the State is requiring of the County. She asked for a better <br />overview of what is required. <br />Robert Davis answered several clarifying questions for Commissioner Gordon. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that this be presented to the Planning Board and that Judy <br />Truitt and Nancy Castan attend the meeting where this is presented. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that this was the best effort to respond to a changing situation, <br />but she would like to know the options. She would like a better explanation of what is being <br />required and what the range of responses might be. <br />Jay Bryan asked for another way to present the categary because it is hard to grasp. He <br />does not have a good understanding of how the permitting is done now in the County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to refer <br />the proposed amendments to the Planning Board far a recommendation and returned na <br />sooner than January 24, 2006. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Child Day Care Amendments <br />Consideration of amendments to amend the child day care provisions of the Zoning <br />Ordinance to establish consistency with State standards and terminology for day <br />care providers, users of day care facilities, and the general public. <br />Glen Bowles presented this item. He said that these definitions were created back in the <br />1980's and have not evolved. The State's definitions have evolved and are continuing to <br />evolve. He showed a map of licensed facilities in the County. Several people have made <br />suggestions. Specifically, Lanier DeGrella, Technical Assistance Director of Child Care <br />Services Association wrote an email. He would like to make this email part of the record. He <br />said that mast of the changes proposed have to da with definitions. The exceptions are on <br />page 8 and the proposed changes are in italics. He read the changes. A Family Day Care <br />Home would be one or two children. The next category is a Day Care Home with between 3 <br />and 12 children, which would be reviewed by staff with a site plan. If there were more than 12 <br />children, it would be a Day Care Facility and would require a Class B Special Use Permit. The <br />only real change is the definitions. The Planning Department has definitions that do not quite <br />fit. He said that they would welcome any opinions from the Board and others. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the letter from the Technical Assistance Director of <br />Child Care Services and said that she refers to an attached document, which was not included. <br />Glen Bowles said that the document was the ordinance and he has made the changes that she <br />painted out. He will share these with the Board and the Planning Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she finds this unsettling and that they do not have the final <br />document that will be referred to the Planning Board. She is not able to make helpful <br />comments yet. <br />