Minutes - 20051121
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20051121
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8/14/2008 2:24:28 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:36:39 PM
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Agenda - 11-21-2005-1
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as the role of the advisory boards, so that the process of updating the comprehensive plan can <br />yield superior results that are widely supported. <br />Todd Dickinson said that he was very impressed by this plan. He agrees that they have to <br />slow down the sprawl. Orange County has the lead in North Carolina to slow sprawl. He would <br />like to move ahead on one of the lower densities of the three options. He prefers option 3 or 4. <br />He thinks the idea of encapsulating road buffers into any development is important to slow down <br />the clogging of roads and highways. <br />Ben Lloyd asked if any of the proposals pertain to commercial development. Craig Benedict <br />said that the urbanizing areas are dedicated far economic development. There are <br />approximately 4,000 acres undeveloped that have been designated for residential, higher <br />densities, and economic development. Ben Lloyd asked how many acres are in each of the <br />proposals that would exceed two acres. He asked if affordable housing had been factored into <br />the proposals, and whether the increased acreage requirements would prevent residents from <br />ever owning a home and if Orange County would turn into a county for the affluent. He also <br />wonders how the proposals compare with the surrounding counties. <br />Steve Yuhasz said that he represents several landowners along NC 57, the area of the <br />Orange County Speedway. This area has been designated in the land use plan as residential <br />since the plan's inception. At the time the zoning took place, the land use plan was not changed <br />to reflect what the actual uses are out there now. He asked that the County Commissioners, the <br />Planning staff, and the Planning Board consider designating this area for same kind of non- <br />residential use within the land use plan update. He said that the owners that were present <br />would like to express their support for this. <br />Robert Nichols said that he has heard a lot of concern and opinions about what should <br />happen. The main thing he has heard is water. He said that maybe the County should build <br />reservoirs to store water. <br />Craig Benedict said that the Board should hold the public hearing open, but adjourn this <br />meeting until February 27t". This will allow for additional public input. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to bald <br />this public hearing item open by adjourning until the February 27, 2006 public hearing on the <br />Land Use Element Text. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />3. grange County Zoning ordinance Text Amendments <br />a. Family, Group, and Rehabilitative Care Amendments <br />Consideration of amendments to bring the Zoning Ordinance in line with the State <br />standard for each of these facilities including classification of the facilities, clearer <br />definitions, approval procedures, and lacational criteria. <br />Planning Supervisor Robert Davis said that these text amendments are an effort to bring the <br />ordinance closer to the State definitions. There may be same additional changes coming forth <br />on the mental health portion of the rules. The three categories are family care, group care <br />facilities, and rehabilitative care facilities. This falls into the category of residential uses for <br />adult day care, Hospice facilities, assisted living facilities, group homes for the developmentally <br />disabled, maternity homes, etc. These uses are allowed in all residential districts in the <br />County. Recently, there have been some definition changes at the State level with regard to <br />mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse facilities and services. <br />Through the definition changes, there are now some facilities that are classified as being <br />residential family care homes as a use by right. They are proposing to allow the service code <br />classifications (on page 3). The State does require that the lead management agency, the <br />Local Management Entity, determine whether or not a facility is required. This is only for the <br />
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