Minutes - 20051121
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20051121
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8/14/2008 2:24:28 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:36:39 PM
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Agenda - 11-21-2005-1
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suggested that, if the lot sizes remain the same, that a warning be incorporated in each deed <br />that on-site water availability may be insufficient for the needs of an average family and would <br />be highly unlikely that public water supplies would ever be available to that lot. He would <br />personally like to see policy option 4 selected. <br />Chris Dreps works for the Upper Neuse River Basin Association. He said that he was there <br />to focus on water resource preservation. He said that there was a big problem in this basin <br />because they depend on very sensitive water resources to support ever-growing populations. <br />Under current regulations, there will not be one single water supply in the Falls Lake Watershed <br />of the eight water supplies with a clean water supply. This includes Lake Ben Johnson, Little <br />River, and Flat River. The Upper Neuse Watershed Management Plan recommends several <br />management strategies. They have worked for many years to put these together. They expect <br />that a zoning approach or an innovative performance standard for managing new site <br />development could protect the long-term water quality. Options 2-4 meet the recommendations <br />for Lake Ben Johnson and Little River. Options 2 and 4 meet the recommendations for Flat <br />River. He said that the performance standard approach would be a more flexible approach. He <br />thinks all of the options are an improvement for water quality considerations. He said that they <br />are happy to provide any technical support to the County. <br />Richard Roberts said that water would be the mast important problem from now on. With the <br />options presented, he liked number 4. Also, he thinks that all townships should be treated the <br />same and should have the same amount of impervious surface per lot and that all stream <br />buffers should be the same size. <br />Melinda Ruley lives off of Pleasant Green Road. She spoke in favor of making the changes <br />for lower density. She lives in a part of the County where one-acre lots are permissible and <br />there are many subdivisions around her with one-acre lots. She said that this has resulted in an <br />overwhelming increase in traffic. She encouraged the Board to implement the changes in <br />density. <br />Don Wollum said that he supports the need for the wise planning review process. He <br />applauds the efforts. He supports option 2, which he views as a rural protection zone, <br />particularly west of Carrboro and Chapel Hill and in the northern part of the County. He said <br />that this option also has a clear path for growth. He said that there could be some of the blue <br />density pattern closer to the towns for viability of the towns. <br />Steve Yuhasz said that his remarks did not bear directly on density, so he wanted to be the <br />last to speak. <br />Allan Rosen said that he is a 14-year resident of Orange County and for the past four years, <br />he has served on the County Commissioners' Affordable Housing Advisory Board. He is <br />currently the chairperson. In February, the Planning Department reviewed this information for <br />them and asked for written comments of the Affordable Housing Advisory Board, which the <br />County Commissioners recently received. He hopes the Board will carefully consider these <br />comments. He said that there are two specific issues that he is concerned about. First, he <br />hopes that the County Commissioners will not make any final or binding decisions regarding the <br />selection of a residential density option until the impacts and implications of such zoning <br />changes are considered with respect to the entire land use plan, particularly the urbanizing <br />areas and the rural activity nodes. He does not think the best decision regarding the residential <br />density options can be made until the work required to update the County's entire <br />comprehensive plan is more fully underway. The second point is that he believes that the <br />planning for the other constituent elements of the comprehensive plan should begin right away <br />in a parallel fashion and not laterally. He encouraged the County Commissioners to make a full <br />commitment to comprehensive planning before making a decision on the sub-element, <br />residential land use density. He also encouraged the County Commissioners to carefully plan <br />for the allocation of the appropriate financials, staff, and possibly consulting resources as well <br />
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