Minutes - 20051121
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20051121
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8/14/2008 2:24:28 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:36:39 PM
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Agenda - 11-21-2005-1
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He then explained acolor-coded map with density regulations. There are four options <br />available if the County cannot sustain 130,000 new units. The options have a decrease in <br />density. He summarized each option as described in Attachment 3. Option 1 is a medium-low <br />density plan, option 2 is a low densityllow vehicle miles traveled plan, option 3 is a low <br />density/land equity plan, and option 4 is a lower density plan (5-acre density except that the first <br />5 lots may be 2-acre density}. He then explained minimum lot size and different scenarios <br />available for subdivisions. <br />He said that they found out during the outreach sessions that people are noticing that <br />population and traffic are increasing, which is affecting air quality, water quality, and <br />groundwater quantity. Under the existing maximum density plan, the number of units created at <br />build out would become unmanageable. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the 13 growth challenges and said that the County <br />Commissioners approved some principles that incorporated the challenges.. She wanders why <br />they are still talking about the 13 challenges. Craig Benedict said that this was just to show the <br />evolution of the principles. The 13 have been categorized into the principles. <br />Commissioner Jacobs communicated Commissioner Halkiotis' regrets for not being here <br />because he is out of town on family business. <br />John Link said that Craig Benedict and the staff have tried to demonstrate that there are <br />several ways of achieving a density of three acres and any particular subdivision would not have <br />exactly the same acreage per lot. It is only an average. <br />Jeff Schmitt asked, over the past three years, how many major subdivisions have came to <br />fruition in the County and how many lots are "in inventory" that are available to build on. Craig <br />Benedict said that there have been four or five major subdivisions over the last three years. <br />Over the last year and a half to two years, there have been zero subdivisions that have came <br />through the process. There are same major subdivisions in the pipeline. There have been <br />2,000 new major subdivision lots that have been approved since 1987, and of that, over half of <br />those are undeveloped. <br />Renee Price asked about the quality of life ceiling and asked how this reflects the latest water <br />resources study. Craig Benedict said that some of the recommendations for lowering density <br />are consistent with the water resources report done by the U. S. Geologic Survey in 1996 that <br />said that at least atwo-acre density would be necessary to create a rechargeable area. This <br />was based on "wet weather" data and the recent drought shows that this may have been too <br />conservative. <br />Public Comment: <br />Jim Johnson said that he is looking at the $0 acres next to the Orange County Speedway to <br />open a ga-cart track. They would also like to add motocross. Since the racetrack is already <br />open, he said that it just makes sense to have these side by side. He would like consideration <br />for a rezoning of this tract of land. He said that it would take a long time far the land use plan to <br />be finished. He asked for an amendment to the present land use plan for this land. He said that <br />motocross is one of the fastest growing sports in the country. He would like to see the County <br />do something different and bald and modify the land use plan and rezone this land. He has <br />done this in other counties. <br />Donald Cax spoke about the County water resource situation. He said that Orange County is <br />a headwaters county because there is almost no water that flows into Orange County and <br />almost all of the streams flow into public water supply reservoirs. The stream flows are low and <br />Orange County gets a little less rainfall and precipitation than counties to the east and to the <br />west. He said that climatologists are indicating that the southeast United States will became <br />warmer and drier in the coming century. This further increases stress on surface and <br />groundwater supplies. He believes that if lots less than the three to five-acre minimums are <br />allowed, well water resources may be, at some paint in time, insufficient to supply a house. He <br />
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