Minutes - 20051121
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20051121
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8/14/2008 2:24:28 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:36:39 PM
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Agenda - 11-21-2005-1
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In accordance to North Carolina General Statute Chapter 153A-241, the road has been <br />posted in four locations for at least three weeks prior to this meeting. A notice of the public <br />hearing was also advertised in the Chapel Hill Herald and The News of Orange for three <br />consecutive weeks. <br />If, after the public hearing, the Board is satisfied that closing the road is not contrary to <br />the public interest and that no individual awning property in the vicinity of the road would be <br />deprived of reasonable access to the property, the Board could go ahead and take action. The <br />lavender sheet is the order closing the road. <br />Public Comment: <br />Brad Clark said that he spoke at the meeting in September, but he would reiterate his <br />points. He has owned the property on the west side of Pleasant Green Community House Road <br />since 1998. The road adjoining his property was in terrible shape and there were appliances, <br />furniture, deer carcasses, garbage, and there was very poor drainage. He met with a <br />representative from NCDOT and an engineer from the State came and looked at the road and <br />made the assessment that the crossover pipe under the road was inadequate and would have <br />to be replaced with a much larger pipe. The drainage was improved and he made a <br />"gentleman's agreement" with them that if they would do the ditching out that he would try and <br />keep it cleaned up as long as he owned the property and lived there. It has been hard to keep <br />the road clean. None of the residents have a clear view of the road because it is very densely <br />wooded. With the increased cast of tipping fees, the public has made this road a satellite <br />county dumping point. He has hauled the junk away and disposed of it at his own expense. He <br />thinks the best solution is to close the road. He has also seen people parked on the road <br />drinking alcohol and other people parked there for various reasons. <br />Ed Punt, who had signed up to speak, said that Brad Clark said everything that he <br />wanted to say. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />accept the "Order closing a 0.27-mile road right-of-way on SR 1571 (Pleasant Green <br />Community Center Road) between SR 1569 (Cole Mill Road) and Pleasant Green Community <br />Center." <br />ORDER CLOSING A 0.27-MILE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ON SR 1571 (PLEASANT GREEN <br />COMMUNITY CENTER ROAD) BETWEEN SR 1569 (COLE MILL ROAD) AND PLEASANT <br />GREEN COMMUNITY CENTER <br />WHEREAS, petitioners Donald B. and Lynda F. Sanders, L. Thomas Bullock, W. C. and Vannie <br />Cater, Vannie Carter for Pleasant Green Community House, Silvia Heyden, and William B. <br />Clark have petitioned the North Carolina State Department of Transportation Division of <br />Highways to abandon a 0.27-mile segment of Secondary Road 1571, Pleasant Green <br />Community Center Road, identified on the map that is Exhibit A incorporated herein by <br />reference, from the State Maintained System; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. William B. Clark and Mr. Ed Punt have appeared before the Orange County <br />Commissioners requesting that Orange County close the right-of-way identified by Exhibit A; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, on October 3, 2005, adopted a resolution <br />declaring its intent to close the right-of-way identified in Exhibit A; and <br />
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