Orange County NC Website
Oil <br /> Sheet#1: Principles and Variables to Consider in Preparing Concept Plan <br /> Principles Concept Plan �Mllllllll <br /> Variable • Consider in Developing • - <br /> • Coordinate locations of development and public services <br /> • Support non-auto modes of travel <br /> General Policy • Protect rural lands, promote clustered,walkable developments <br /> Objectives • Efficient and fiscally responsible public facilities <br /> • Protect natural resources, promote sustainable development <br /> • Compact community, hubs of activity <br /> • Be clear about preservation areas and development areas <br /> • Promote green design of public facilities <br /> • Promote energy efficiency, reduced consumption of resources <br /> Site Design • Emphasis on connections <br /> Objectives • Attention to tree canopies,greenways,open space <br /> • Coordinate building locations and parking locations <br /> • Design road and pedestrian networks to achieve safety,connectivity <br /> • Develop a walkable campus of clustered County services <br /> OIL- <br /> • Focus development on most buildable areas of site <br /> • Maximize potential buildable areas while considering other objectives <br /> Buildable Area • Buildable Area=buildings, parking, landscaping, roads, paths,and open space <br /> in area to be developed <br /> • Maximize potential floor area available for public facilities,while considering <br /> other policy and site design objectives <br /> • Be clear about designating preservation areas <br /> • Minimize land disturbance in most sensitive areas of site <br /> • Take advantage of existing stormwater management facilities on the site if <br /> possible <br /> • Minimize infrastructure costs for ultimate site development,while <br /> considering other objectives <br /> • Avoid land disturbance in southwest corner of site if possible <br /> • Minimize need for future land acquisitions to provide needed services <br /> • Minimize costs of operating buildings and facilities <br /> Potential for • Maximize potential for and flexibility in accommodating Orange County's <br /> Accommodating needs for buildings to provide needed services <br /> County's Future <br /> Needs <br />