Orange County NC Website
HE <br />2012- 08- 14.THOMPSON.Conservation Easement Deed DRAFT <br />Subject to the contingent rights of the State of North Carolina with timely written <br />notice and approval of the NCDA &CS, the Grantee shall have the right to transfer this <br />Conservation Easement to any public agency or private nonprofit organization that, at the <br />time of transfer, is a qualified organization under 26 U.S.C. Section 170(h) of the Internal <br />Revenue Code, as amended and under NCGS 121 -34 et. seq., provided the agency or <br />organization expressly agrees to assume the responsibility imposed on the Grantee by this <br />Conservation Easement. As a condition of such transfer, Grantee shall require that the <br />conservation purposes intended to be advanced hereunder shall be continued to be carried <br />out. If the Grantee ever ceases to exist or no longer qualifies under 26 U.S.C. Section <br />170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, or applicable state law, then Grantee's rights and <br />obligations under this Easement shall become immediately vested in Orange County, <br />North Carolina. If Orange County, North Carolina shall refuse such rights and <br />obligations, then the rights and obligations under this Easement shall vest in such <br />organization as a court of competent jurisdiction shall direct pursuant to the laws of the <br />State of North Carolina and so long as the organization is qualified to hold conservation <br />easements under the applicable laws of the State of North Carolina and is a qualified <br />organization under I.R.C. Section 170(h). <br />4.5. Conservation Practices. As required by Section 1238I of the Food Security Act of <br />1985, as amended, the Grantors, their heirs, successors, or assigns, shall conduct <br />agricultural operations on the Protected Property in a manner consistent with a <br />Conservation Plan prepared by Grantor in consultation with NRCS and approved by the <br />Soil and Water Conservation District. This Conservation Plan shall be developed using <br />the standards and specifications of the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide and 7 CFR <br />Part 12 that are in effect on the date of execution of this Easement Deed. However the <br />Grantor may develop and implement a Conservation Plan that proposes a higher level of <br />conservation and is consistent with the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide standards <br />and specifications. NRCS shall have the right to enter upon the Protected Property, with <br />advance notice to the Grantor, in order to monitor compliance with the Conservation <br />Plan. <br />In the event of noncompliance with the Conservation Plan, NRCS shall work with the <br />Grantor to explore methods of compliance and give the Grantor a reasonable amount of <br />time, not to exceed twelve months, to take corrective action. If the Grantor does not <br />comply with the Conservation Plan, NRCS will inform the Grantee of the Grantor's non- <br />compliance. The Grantee shall take all reasonable steps (including efforts at securing <br />voluntary compliance and, if necessary, appropriate legal action) to secure compliance <br />with the Conservation Plan following written notification from NRCS that (a) there is a <br />substantial, ongoing event or circumstance of non - compliance with the Conservation <br />Plan, (b) NRCS has worked with the Grantor to correct such noncompliance, and (c) <br />Grantor has exhausted their appeal rights under applicable NRCS regulations. <br />If the NRCS standards and specifications for highly erodible land are revised after the <br />date of this Easement based on an Act of Congress, NRCS will work cooperatively with <br />the Grantor to develop and implement a revised Conservation Plan. The provisions of <br />this section apply to the highly erodible land conservation requirement of the Farm and <br />14 <br />