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015 <br />2012- 08- 14.THOMPSON.Conservation Easement Deed DRAFT <br />management of livestock and wildlife or to fence off the perimeter of the <br />Protected Property without any further permission of the Grantee. <br />b) Paving and Road Construction - Construction and maintenance of unpaved <br />farm roads that may be reasonably necessary and incidental to carrying out the <br />improvements and uses permitted on the Protected Property by this Easement are <br />permitted. Such roads shall be located so as to minimize impact to prime and <br />unique soils on the Protected Property. No portion of the Protected Property <br />shall be paved or otherwise covered with concrete, asphalt, or any other <br />impervious paving material, without the advance written permission of the <br />Grantee. <br />c) Farm Structures & Improvements - New buildings, barns, sheds and other <br />structures and improvements to be used primarily for agricultural purposes, <br />including the processing or sale of farm products predominantly grown or raised <br />on the Protected Property may be built within the "Farmstead Areas" as shown <br />on Exhibit B, after written approval from the Grantee is obtained. The Grantee <br />shall give such approval within a reasonable time, unless it determines that the <br />proposed building, structure or improvement would exceed the total maximum <br />impervious surface restriction by the USDA Farm and Ranch Lands Protection <br />Program, significantly diminish or impair the Conservation Values of the <br />Protected Property or otherwise be inconsistent with the purposes of this <br />Easement. Existing buildings /barns /sheds and greenhouses as depicted in <br />Exhibit B may be repaired or reconstructed in accordance with all other <br />Easement provisions. <br />Any temporary structures proposed for locations outside the Farmstead Areas <br />shall be for agricultural purposes only and may only be erected with the advance <br />written permission of he Grantee. The Grantee shall give such permission within <br />a reasonable time and ensure the proposed temporary structures are erected in a <br />way that minimizes any negative impact to the soils, diminishes and /or in any <br />way is inconsistent with the Conservation Values of the Conservation Easement <br />Deed. <br />d) Farm Support Housing - No more than a total of one (1) new single -or multi- <br />family - dwelling to house farm tenants, employees or others engaged in <br />agricultural production or other farm support uses on the Protected Property may <br />be built on the Protected Property. The dwelling must be no greater than 1,500 <br />square feet in floor size and shall be located within that area identified and <br />marked as the "Farmstead Area" identified on Exhibit B. <br />e) Single - Family Residential Dwellings - The Easement includes one (1) existing <br />single - family residential dwelling within the 3 -acre Farmstead Area envelope <br />shown on Exhibit -B. This residence may be renovated or enlarged so long as the <br />construction is first approved by the Grantee to determine that it does not exceed <br />the maximum impervious surface restriction designated by the USDA Farm and <br />10 <br />