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012 <br />2012- 08- 14.THOMPSON.Conservation Easement Deed DRAFT <br />2.5. Structures and Improvements. There shall be no building, tower, facility, mobile <br />home, or other structure constructed or placed on the Protected Property, not otherwise <br />specifically authorized herein, unless related specifically to a right reserved to the <br />Grantor in Article HI. Any structures permitted or reserved by Grantor shall be of such <br />reasonable size, proportion, height and character so as not to significantly detract from <br />the open space and agricultural purposes of this Easement. Under no circumstances shall <br />recreational fields, golf courses or ranges, airstrips or helicopter pads be constructed or <br />permitted on the Protected Property. <br />2.6. Si nnaage. Display to the public of billboards, signs or advertisements is prohibited on <br />or over the Protected Property, except to state the name of the property and its farmland <br />status, including its easement status, the name and address of the occupant, to advertise <br />an on -site activity, and to advertise the property for sale or rent, as allowed by applicable <br />ordinances of Orange County. Grantor shall be permitted to erect no trespassing signs, <br />traffic or directional signs or warning signs as may be expedient and to post the property. <br />2.7. Impervious Surface. Under the policy restrictions of the United States Department of <br />Agriculture, impervious surfaces within the overall Protected Property shall be limited to <br />a maximum amount of two percent (2 %) of the total acreage of the Protected Property <br />under this Easement. For this restriction, impervious surface shall include roof tops, <br />asphalt, and concrete surfaces to include buildings, driveways, walkways and farm roads. <br />Excluded from this definition are compacted dirt and gravel surfaces, including farm <br />road, driveways and other surfaces that do not fully restrict the percolation of water into <br />the soil. This restriction shall apply to permanent and temporary structures and facilities, <br />both existing and proposed. <br />2.8 Protection of Conservation Values and Agricultural Goals. Any activities, practices, <br />or uses of the Protected Property, that would in anyway alter, impede or interfere with the <br />conservation values and agricultural goals sought to be protected by this Conservation <br />Easement are strictly prohibited. <br />2.9 Grantors' Development Rights. Grantors hereby voluntarily grant and convey to the <br />Grantee all development rights for the Protected Property, except as otherwise reserved <br />and provided by the terms of this Conservation Easement, that are now or hereafter <br />inherent in the Protected Property. <br />ARTICLE III. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES RETAINED BY GRANTOR <br />Notwithstanding any provisions of this Easement to the contrary, the Grantor <br />reserves to and for themselves and their successors all customary rights and privileges of <br />ownership, including the rights to sell, lease, and devise the Protected Property, together <br />with any rights not specifically prohibited by or limited by this Easement, and consistent <br />with the Section 1.1., "Statement of Purpose ". Unless otherwise specified below, nothing <br />7 <br />