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Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that they are looking at a <br />policy that will define the use of the vehicle. Some uses may be good for alternative fuel <br />and some may not. There will be a process of evaluating all vehicle purchases. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it should be the default position to use an alternative <br />fueled vehicle unless it can be justified otherwise. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he thought that a Bobcat was approved last year. <br />The staff will check on this. <br />Chair Carey asked how soon staff would be added and Lori Taft said that they talked <br />about bringing on some staff as the park is under construction for oversight and <br />additional supplemental work. Some staffing costs will be incurred next fiscal year. They <br />would not have all operational and equipment casts next year, and she will provide a <br />breakdown. <br />Cammissioner Jacobs asked Dave Stancil about the timeframe for developing <br />Fairview Park and Dave Stancil said that they hope to have a master plan completed by <br />March or April next year, and their timetable would be similar to page 6. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would be more inclined to phase in staff at <br />Northern Park rather than starting with full staff, and maybe a third person could start <br />working part-time at Fairview Park as it is coming online. <br />John Link said that they could share equipment between Northern and Fairview and <br />Lori Taft said yes. <br />Cammissioner Gordon asked about the implications for discussing the budget at this <br />time. John Link said that this is only preliminary. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that they need to start putting together a list of <br />proposed budgetary issues coming up in the spring. <br />4. Proposed Revisions to the Policy for Naming of County-awned Buildings and <br />Facilities Chair Carey said that the lime green sheet had Commissioner <br />Jacobs' suggested revisions to the policy. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked to include the Clerk in numbers 2 and 3. <br />Also, in #4, "and the Administration's recommendation" will be deleted. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Cammissioner Jacobs to explain his revisions. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore <br />suggested his revisions. At the Galleria, there is a meeting room that is dedicated to <br />someone. There may be opportunities within a building to have a room named in <br />someone's honor, etc. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested adding to #9, "subject to the approval of the Board <br />of County Commissioners." Chair Carey said that all of this is subject to the approval of <br />the Board of County Commissioners because the Manager will bring the <br />recommendation back. Commissioner Gordon then suggested adding, "subject to the <br />procedure outlined above." <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Cammissioner Halkiotis <br />to approve all suggested changes to the naming of the County buildings policy. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. 2046-2012 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program <br />iMTIPII Update; 2007-2013 MTIP Development Update <br />DEFERRED <br />