Orange County NC Website
—Attachment 1 tttRtrnIMISORIELEtt. <br /> 004 tttt <br /> v.rbt <br /> timm. lb Orange County Pianning and Inspections Department <br /> 52 APPLICATION POO <br /> 'ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT <br /> GENE USE REZONING REQUEST <br /> APPLICANT INFORMATION: <br /> (Date: 3-12-12 <br /> Applicant: Summit Design and Engineering Services(Michelle Kempinski) Phone: 919-732-3883 <br /> Address: 504 Meadowland Drive Cell Phone: <br /> Hillsborough,NC 27278 E-mail: <br /> PROPERTY SUBJECT TO REQUEST: <br /> Parcel Identification Number(PIN): 9874-68-9326 and 9874-78-1414 <br /> Address of property: 1218 US 70 E and '#3 THOMAS LEE MERRITT P50/179',Hillsborough,NC 27278 <br /> Owner of property: Ronald K and Phyllis B Woods <br /> Current Zoning Designation: NC2 and RI Requested Zoning Designation: NC2 <br /> ** If Applicant/Owner are different people,include a signed,notarized,statement indicating that the owner has authorized the applicant to <br /> submit the request. In cases where there are multiple property owners, please attach an additional document containing their signatures <br /> authorizing the submission of the application or other legal documentation establishing the applicants right to file on their behalf. <br /> attalgtSOMMIMMIIIEW utrtillrn AWN IV <br /> SUBMITTAL INFORMATION- Section 2.8.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance(UDO) <br /> 1) A Map, at a legible scale,showing the property(s)subject to the request. A map may be procured at the Planning Department for a <br /> fee in accordance with the adopted Orange County Fee Schedule <br /> I 2) A legal description of the property(s)proposed for rezoning <br /> 3) A list showing the names and addresses of all adjacent property owners within 500'feet of the subject property. <br /> 4) A detailed narrative denoting the following: <br /> a. The alleged error in the Zoning Atlas(if any)that will be corrected by the proposed request. <br /> b. The changed,or changing,conditions(if any)that make the proposed amendment reasonable necessary to promote the public <br /> health,safety,and general welfare. <br /> c. How the proposed amendment is consistent with,or carries out the intent and purpose of,the Orange County Comprehensive <br /> Plan, <br /> 5) In cases involving amendments to the Special Flood Hazard Area Overlay District, applicants shall supply the following additional <br /> information in accordance with Section 2.8,3 (G) of the UDO: <br /> a. An elevation certificate with either an 14,4T-1,MT-2,or MT-EZ(forms available through FEMA)or <br /> b. A 'No-impact' analysis for a letter of map revision <br /> 6) The filing fee per the adopted Orange County fee schedule in affect as of the date of the application, <br /> I (we), the undersigned, have been made aware of the process for the review and action associated with a UDO Zoning Atlas <br /> Amendment application and understand only completed applications, containing all information required by the Orange County <br /> UDO shall be reviewed and acted upon by the County. Further I (we) understand that any assistance I (we) may receive from <br /> County staff in preparing this application in no way guarantees a favorable recommendation by staff on the merits of this proposal <br /> nor does i uarantee an approval of the proposed atlas amendment by the County. <br /> Applicant Date: <br /> Applicant Date <br />