Orange County NC Website
015 <br /> Attachment 5 <br /> Excerpt of Minutes <br /> DRAFT <br /> MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br /> QUARTERLY PUBLIC HEARING <br /> May 29, 2012 <br /> 7:00 P.M. <br /> The Orange County Board of Commissioners and the Orange County Planning Board <br /> met for a Quarterly Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at DSS <br /> Offices, Hillsborough Commons, Hillsborough, N.C. <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Bernadette Pelissier, and <br /> Commissioners Alice Gordon, Barry Jacobs, Valerie Foushee, Pam Hemminger, Earl <br /> McKee, and Steve Yuhasz <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: <br /> COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: John Roberts <br /> COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Frank Clifton, Assistant County Manager <br /> Michael Talbert, and Deputy Clerk to the Board David Hunt (All other staff members will <br /> be identified appropriately below) <br /> PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:, Vice Chair Larry Wright, Pete Hallenbeck, <br /> Mark Marcoplos, H.T. "Buddy Hartley", Andrea Rohrbacher, Lisa Stuckey, Maxecine <br /> Mitchell, and Tony Blake <br /> PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Brian L. Crawford, Rachel Phelps <br /> Hawkins, Alan Campbell, and Johnny Randall <br /> Chair Pelissier called the meeting to order at 7:04:05 PM. <br /> 2. Zoning Atlas Amendment — To review an application to rezone two parcels of <br /> property approximately 1.71 acres in size from R-1 (Rural Residential) and NC-2 <br /> (Neighborhood Commercial) to NC-2 (Neighborhood Commercial). The properties are <br /> located on US 70 East. <br /> Glenn Bowles from the Planning Department introduced this item. This rezoning <br /> was property owner initiated. The two platted lots involved total 1.71 acres, 0.58 acres <br /> of which are zoned R-1 and the remainder are zoned NC-2. Only the R-1 portion of the <br /> lots is affected. <br />