Orange County NC Website
Article 3: Base Zoning Districts 018 <br /> Section 3.5: Industrial Districts <br /> SECTION <br /> DIMENSIONAL • STANDARDS <br /> LIGHT INDUSTRIAL <br /> Lot Size, min., per use <br /> (square feet), if outside 80,000 [1] <br /> of a CITAN <br /> Lot Size, min., per use <br /> (square feet), if within 20,000 [1] <br /> a CITAN <br /> PURPOSE NR [2] 200 <br /> RPiPIM in. (feet) <br /> The purpose of the Light Industrial-1 (1-1) District is to provide NR-CU None <br /> appropriately located and sized sites for limited industrial uses <br /> engaged in manufacturing, processing, creating and assembling Front Setback from NR 50 <br /> of goods, merchandise or equipment. Performance standards ROW, min. (feet) NR-CU None <br /> will be used to insure the absence of adverse impacts beyond <br /> ie immediate space occupied by the building. NR 50 <br /> Side Setback, min. <br /> (feet) NR-CU None [3] <br /> This district will usually be applied where the following conditions Rear Setback, min. NR 50 <br /> exist: (feet) <br /> NR-CU None [3] <br /> 1. Site is located within areas designated in the adopted <br /> Comprehensive Plan as either a Commercial-Industrial Transition <br /> Activity Node (CITAN)or a Rural Industrial Activity Node. Height, max. (feet) 45 [4] <br /> Floor Area Ratio, max., <br /> if located outside of a .200 <br /> CITAN <br /> Floor Area Ratio, max., <br /> if located within a .60 <br /> CITAN <br /> Required Open Space NR .80 <br /> DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS NOTES: Ratio, min. , if located NR-CU .75 <br /> [1] Lot size for individual uses shall be appropriate to the method outside of a CITAN <br /> of water supply and sewage disposal. Required Open Space <br /> [2] R= residential, NR= non-residential, CU =conditional use. Ratio, min. , if located .45 <br /> [3] Required side and rear setbacks adjacent to residentially within a CITAN <br /> zoned land shall be equal to the required side or rear setback of Gross Land Area, 80,000/ <br /> the adjacent residential district. min./max. NR-CU <br /> [4]Two feet of additional height shall be allowed for one foot (square feet) none <br /> increase of the required front and side setbacks. Required NR .20 <br /> Pedestrian/Landscape <br /> Ratio, min. , if located NR-CU .187 <br /> outside of a CITAN <br /> Required <br /> Pedestrian/Landscape .05 <br /> Ratio, min. , if located <br /> within a CITAN <br /> DEVELOPMENT 1-1 DISTRICT SPECIFIC DA-D <br /> 1. Uses shall be restricted to those indicated for the 1-1 District in Section 5.2, unless a Conditional Use (CU)or <br /> MPD-CZ District is approved (see Section 3.8). Additionally, non-residential uses are restricted based on <br /> the Watershed Protection Overlay District in which the property is located. Refer to Section 4.2.3 for land <br /> use restrictions. <br /> 2. Development within the zoning district shall be subject to all applicable use standards detailed in Article 5 <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 3-34 <br />