Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5n
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5n
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Last modified
1/14/2016 10:10:34 AM
Creation date
8/17/2012 4:29:08 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 08-21-2012
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004 <br /> •solution of-Award awarding the bid to J.F. Wilkerson of Morrisville, North • <br /> Carolina at a cost of$2,942,954.46; <br /> 2. Authorize the Manager to execute change orders up to$250,000; <br /> 3. Authorize the Chair to-sign the Resolution of Award on behalf of the Board; <br /> 4. Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract on behalf of the Board, <br /> -pending execution of bonds, insurance and County Attorney approval; and <br /> 5. Authorize related alternate engineering design. <br /> A.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EPA SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS GRANT FUNDS FOR <br /> CONSTRUCTION OF THE CENTRAL EFLAND & NORTH BUCKHORN SEWER <br /> IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PURPOSE: To consider accepting the EPA. Special- Appropriations (SPAP.) grant funds for <br /> construction-of the Central Efland and North Buckhornr Sewer Improvements. <br /> BACKGROUND: rn both 2003-and 2005, Congressman David Price worked to receive funding <br /> totaling $900,000 arid-$500,000 respectively in the-EPA's SPAP program. Since that time, the <br /> County has worked through the appropriate processes. and .was given a Notice of Award for <br /> these two grants in December 2010 (Attachment 1) which was conditionally affirmed pending <br /> Capital-Investment Plan (CIP) and companion loan acceptance. <br /> The net of the two EPA SPAP grants is $1,348,400. Because the EPA delegates a large <br /> amount of review authority for grant funded projects to the State's Construction Grants & Loans <br /> division of North- Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), the <br /> State receives a percentage of the grantto cover-the administrative costs. <br /> Because County financial policy requires the BOCC to formally accept grant funds prior to <br /> expenditure, staff is requesting that the.BOCC approve acceptance of these grant funds for the <br /> purpose of constructing the Central- Efland and North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements. The <br /> grant funds will provide approximately 1/3 of_the total construction costs and are -a vital <br /> financing component for this project. In addition, these funds have already been incorporated <br /> into the County's CIP as part of this project. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Accepting these funds will provide $1,348,400 towards the construction <br /> of the Central'Efland and North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements. <br /> A.2 CENTRAL EFLAND — PHASE 2 NORTHERN. BUCKHORN STATE'REVOLVING LOAN <br /> SEWER FUNDING <br /> PURPOSE: To ratify a Resolution reiterating the Board's decision from June 21, 2011, <br /> approving the offer of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan to fund the construction of the Efland <br /> and North Buckhorn sewer extensions. <br /> BACKGROUND: The BOCC was previously presented with the opportunity to accept a SRF <br /> loan in the amount of$3,500,000 for the construction of sewer improvements in the Efland and <br /> North Buckhorn communities. The loan is from the North Carolina Department of Environment <br /> and Natural Resources. The BOCC approved this loan offer on June 21, 2011. Since that <br /> time, staff has been notified that in order to formally accept the loan, the loan approval must <br /> take the form of a Resolution. <br />
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