Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5m
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5m
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/9/2015 11:41:09 AM
Creation date
8/17/2012 4:27:09 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
2012-317 Solid Waste - W L Bishop Construction Inc for Walnut Grove church Rd Solid Waste Convenience center $887,092
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2012
Minutes 08-21-2012
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2012
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009 � <br /> b. The Contractor agrees to complete substantially all Work included by January 4,2013, or 120 <br /> calendar days from the time of written Notice to Proceed. <br /> c. Time is of the essence with respect to all dates specified in the Contract Documents as <br /> Completion Dates. . <br /> d. The Corrtractor shall perform the Work in the time,manner and form required by the Contract <br /> Documents and as stipulated in a written Notice-to-Proceed to be executed by the Contractor <br /> and Owner. <br /> e. It is expressly understood that the Owner will employ other contractors to perform work as a � <br /> part of the Project whose work will be performed simultaneously and sequentially with the � <br /> performance of the Work by the Contractor. It shall be necessary for the Contractor to I <br /> coordinate its activities with such other contractors,particularly with respect to access to work <br /> areas,storage of materiats and other common facilities. � <br /> f. Should the Owner determine that the Contractor is behind schedule Owner may require, at no � <br /> additional cost to the Qwner, the Contractor to expedite and-accelerate its efforts, including <br /> providing additional resources and working overtime, as necessary, to perform the Work in <br /> accordance with the approved project schedule. � ; <br /> 4. STANDARD OF CARE ' <br /> a. The Contractor shall exercise reasonable care and diligence in performing the Work in ! <br /> accordance with the highest generally accepted standards of this type of Contractor practice <br /> throughout the United Sta.tes and in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws <br /> and regulations applicable to the perforn�ar►ce of these services. Contra.ctor is solely <br /> responsible for the pmfessional quality, accuracy and timely completion and/or submission of <br /> all work. i <br /> b. The Contractor shall not Ioad or pbrmit any part of the Work to be loaded with a weigt�t that <br /> will endanger its safety,intended performance or configuration. <br /> c. Contractor shall be responsibie for all errors or omissions, in the performance of the <br /> Agreement. Contractor shall correct any and all errors, omissions, discrepancies,ambiguiries, <br /> mistakes or conflicts at no additiona.l cost to the Owner. <br /> d. Conlxactor is an independent contractor of Owner. Any and atl employees of the Contractor <br /> engaged by the Contractor in the performance of any work or services required of the <br /> Contractor under this Agreement, sha11 be considered employees or agents of the Contractor <br /> � only and not of the Owner, and any and all claims that may or might arise under any workers <br /> compensation or other law or contract on behalf of said employees while so engaged shall be <br /> the sole obligation and responsibility of the Contractor. <br /> e. Contractor agrees that Contractor, its employees,agents and its subcontractors, if any,shall be � <br /> required to comply with all federal, state and local antidiscrimination laws, regulations and 'i. <br /> policies that relate to the performance of Contractor's services under this Agreement. <br /> f. If activities related to the performance of this Agreement require specific licenses, � <br /> certifications, or related credentials Contractor represents that it and/or its employees, agents ! <br /> and subcontractors engaged in such activities possess such licenses, certifications, or . <br /> Revised November 2011 <br />
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