Orange County NC Website
009 <br /> 19. County's Right to Receiver upon Tenant's Default. In addition to any other <br /> security for the performance of this lease, the Tenant hereby assigns to the County all of the <br /> rents and profits which might otherwise accrue to the Tenant from the use, enjoyment, and <br /> operation of the Leased Premises, such assignment to become effective, however, only after <br /> default by the Tenant in the performance of its obligations under this lease. If the County, <br /> upon default of the Tenant, elects to file a suit in equity to enforce the lease and protect the <br /> County's right hereunder, the County may upon notice to the Tenant, as ancillary to such suit, <br /> apply to any court having jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver of the Leased Premises, <br /> the improvements and buildings located thereon, the personal property located therein, and <br /> thereupon the court may forthwith appoint a receiver with the usual powers and duties of <br /> receivers in like cases. Such appointment shall be made by such court as a matter of strict <br /> right to the County and without consideration of the adequacy of the value of the Tenant's <br /> interest in the lease, or of the value of the property, or the commission of waste thereon, or the <br /> deterioration thereof. Nothing herein shall prevent the enforcement of the County's lien for rent <br /> in any court or by proceeding authorized to the laws of this state, or the institution by the <br /> County of a separate proceeding in equity for the appointment of a receiver as an ancillary <br /> remedy to protect the rights and interest of the County. Any and all remedies or proceedings <br /> are considered cumulative and not exclusive. <br /> 20. Waiver of County's Rights Only by Written Instrument. No failure by the County <br /> to insist upon the strict performance of any item or condition of this lease or to exercise any right <br /> or remedy available on a breach thereof, and no acceptance of full or partial rent during the <br /> continuance of any such breach shall constitute a waiver of any breach or of any such term or <br /> condition. No term or condition of this lease required to be performed by the Tenant, and no <br /> breach thereof, shall be waived, altered or modified, except by a written instrument executed by <br /> the County. No waiver of any breach shall affect or alter any term or condition in this lease, <br /> and each such term or condition shall continue in full force and effect with respect to any other <br /> then existing or subsequent breach thereof. <br /> 21. Performance of Tenant's Obligations - Unpaid Insurance Premiums <br /> (a) If the Tenant shall at any time fail to pay any amount in accordance with the <br /> provisions of this lease, or shall fail to take out, keep in force, or shall fail to perform any of its <br /> other obligations under this lease, then the County may after notice and opportunity to cure in <br /> accordance with the provisions of Section 17(a)(2), or without notice if any emergency exists, <br /> and without releasing the Tenant from any obligation of the Tenant contained in this lease, may <br /> (but shall be under no obligation to) pay any amount payable by the Tenant hereunder, and <br /> perform any other act required to be performed by the Tenant hereunder. The County may <br /> enter upon the Leased Premises for such purposes and take any action necessary therefore. <br /> (b) All sums so paid by the County and all costs and expenses incurred by the <br /> County in connection with the performance of any such act, together with interest thereon at the <br /> rate of 6% per annum from the respective dates of each such payment and such costs and <br /> expenses, shall constitute additional rent payable by the Tenant under this lease and shall be <br /> paid by the Tenant to the County on demand. <br /> (c) Notwithstanding anything in this lease to the contrary, the County shall not be <br /> limited, in the proof any damages which the County may claim against the Tenant by reason of <br /> the Tenant's failure to provide and keep insurance in force, to the amount of the insurance <br /> premiums not paid or incurred by the Tenant. The County shall also be entitled to recover as <br /> damages for such breach the uninsured amount of any loss, together with damages, costs, and <br /> 8 <br />