Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2012-13 Budget Amendment <br /> The 2012-13 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as fo//ows: <br /> 011 <br /> �3-Tne a��o�a�o�of �s-Re�e a�of <br /> $so 00o f,om�ne Pav <br /> #1-Recie tof #8-Recei tof atltlitionalHealtM1 <br /> P antl Classification #fi-Appropriation of P <br /> aaa��no�air��a��e�.uNC ua-Re�me��semem us-APP�oP��ano�or ao�ano�seyA��mai oeParcme��re�e��e: uio-Re�e�P�or <br /> uzoacArea smayNO�- m�aeaia��eoraas3z� u�-App�op��ano�or <br /> ScM1OOIOfSOCialWOrk funtlsof$25000from funtlbalanceof Servicesfrom[M1eSale EatSmartMOVeMOre atltlitionalSmartStart <br /> ame�amwmtrznsfer oepzrcmentzizcmum rmmmeGenerziFUna runabziznceorazs5oo <br /> ($4,250J,NCOeptof NCOOTforOange $3,000,OOOfmmtl�e ofatlonatztiveM1ide Gant($42,000J�, funtlsof$1,408relatztl <br /> Encumbrance gis000mmeso��ai a�aaS2ass�rwa mmeeoaraoreea�o�s rrommece�eraiFwa Butlge[asAmentletl <br /> OriginalBUtlge[ Butlge[asAmentletl ms��a�e-sHUa c�o�eFo-e souawasreeme�p��se �aaqiz��aHe,m�. Km�y�ie,��cao�ano� mmeHeaim <br /> CartyFOrwartls seN��e�age�m eaia�ceapprop�aoo� on�cem�o�erme�orn mmesne�n�son�ceror Throu hBOA#7 <br /> (asASS7.Naoo�ai oepam�e�esan�eway w�am�re�e�p�orioa� ao�aoo�(ai7eo7�,a�a (az,aao7�,roea�� oepam�e�escnua 9 <br /> mee�am�a�sn�p r�mme�e�eaiFwa �rn o� orme2�aanmarv mep�2naseora <br /> FamilyCareg�rver � �s� atSbOOn pmceetlsreceivetl�inFY M�iscellaneous PrevenOOnfuntls CareHealtl�COnsulbnt <br /> ($25,8]2J,antl m�eaffectztl ��#2 2011_12 elecOOnM1eltlonJUly1], veM1ide OonaOOnsfmm ($4,BBBJ�,antlMetli�l Gant <br /> oo�aoo�s(ais�0007 aeParcmemsro am�ai z°iz re�me�a(aa7so7 R�reNecomsm�as <br /> mountof$84,58] ($4,]82J <br /> Grarrt Project Funtl <br /> Revenues <br /> In[er ovemmeMal $ 96,588 $ 96,588 $ 1,408 $ 97,996 <br /> Char esforServices $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 <br /> Transferfrom General Funtl $ 71,214 $ 71,214 $ 71,214 <br /> Niscellaneous $ $ $ <br /> Transferfrom0[herFUntls $ $ $ <br /> A ro ria[etl Funtl Balance $ $ $ <br /> TotalRevenues $ 191,802 $ - $ 191,802 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,408 $ 193,210 <br /> Ex entli[ures <br /> NCACC Em lo e Wellness Grant $ $ $ <br /> Govemin antl Mana emen[ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ <br /> NPDESGrant $ - $ - $ $ <br /> NC Tomorrow CDBG Muki- a $ - $ - $ $ <br /> Growin New Farmers Grant $ $ $ <br /> Communi antl EnvironmeM $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ <br /> Child Care Health-Smart Start $ 63 588 $ 63 588 $ 1 408 $ 64 996 <br /> ScatteredSdeHousin Grant $ <br /> Carrboro Growin Health Kids Grant $ <br /> Heakh Carolinians $ <br /> Heakh&Wellness Trust Grant $ <br /> Senior Cit¢en Health Promotion ellness $ 98 604 $ 98 604 $ 98 604 <br /> Dental Health-Smart Start $ $ <br /> Intensrve Home Visitin $ <br /> Human Ri hts&Relations HUD Grant $ <br /> Senior Cdisn Health Promotion Muki-Yr $ <br /> SeniorNet Pro ram Muki-Year $ <br /> Enhanced Child Services Coord-SS $ <br /> Diabetes Education Pro ram Muki-Year $ <br /> S ec a Cro s Grant $ <br /> Local Food Indiatrves Grant $ <br /> Reducin Heakh Dis aritiesGrant MuItFYr $ <br /> FY 2009 Recwe Act HPRP $ <br /> HumanServices $ 162,192 $ - $ 162,192 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,408 $ 163,600 <br /> Criminal Justice Partnershi Pro ram $ 29 610 $ 29 610 $ 29 610 <br /> Hazard Miti ation Generator Pro'ect $ <br /> Buffer Zone Protection Pro ra $ <br /> 800 MHz Communications Transdion $ <br /> Secure Our Schools-OCS Grant $ <br /> Cd'¢en Cor s Council Grant $ <br /> COPS 2008 Technolo Pro ram $ <br /> COPS 2009 Technolo Pro ram $ <br /> EM Performance Grant $ <br /> 2010 Homdand Securi Grant-ES $ <br /> 2011 Homdand Securi Grant-ES $ <br /> JusticeAssitanceAct JAG Pro ra $ <br /> Public Saf $ 29,610 $ - $ 29,610 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 29,610 <br /> TotalEa7�entlifures $ 191,802 $ - $ 191,802 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,408 $ 193,210 <br /> z <br />