Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2012-13 Budget Amendment <br /> The 2012-13 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as fo//ows: <br /> 010 <br /> �3-Tne a��o�a�o�of �s-Re�e a�of <br /> $so 00o f,om�ne Pav <br /> #1-Recie tof #8-Recei tof atltlitionalHealtM1 <br /> P antl Classification #fi-Appropriation of P <br /> aaa��no�air��a��e�.uNC ua-Re�me��semem us-APP�oP��ano�or ao�ano�seyA��mai oeParcme��re�e��e: uio-Re�e�P�or <br /> uzoacArea smayNO�- m�aeaia��eoraas3z� u�-App�op��ano�or <br /> ScM1OOIOfSOCialWOrk funtlsof$25000from funtlbalanceof Servicesfrom[M1eSale EatSmartMOVeMOre atltlitionalSmartStart <br /> ame�amwmtrznsfer oepzrcmentzizcmum rmmmeGenerziFUna runabziznceorazs5oo <br /> ($4,250J,NCOeptof NCOOTforOange $3,000,OOOfmmtl�e ofatlonatztiveM1ide Gant($42,000J�, funtlsof$1,408relatztl <br /> Encumbrance gis000mmeso��ai a�aaS2ass�rwa mmeeoaraoreea�o�s rrommece�eraiFwa Butlge[asAmentletl <br /> OriginalBUtlge[ Butlge[asAmentletl ms��a�e-sHUa c�o�eFo-e souawasreeme�p��se �aaqiz��aHe,m�. Km�y�ie,��cao�ano� mmeHeaim <br /> CartyFOrwartls seN��e�age�m eaia�ceapprop�aoo� on�cem�o�erme�orn mmesne�n�son�ceror Throu hBOA#7 <br /> (asASS7.Naoo�ai oepam�e�esan�eway w�am�re�e�p�orioa� ao�aoo�(ai7eo7�,a�a (az,aao7�,roea�� oepam�e�escnua 9 <br /> mee�am�a�sn�p r�mme�e�eaiFwa �rn o� orme2�aanmarv mep�2naseora <br /> FamilyCareg�rver � �s� atSbOOn pmceetlsreceivetl�inFY M�iscellaneous PrevenOOnfuntls CareHealtl�COnsulbnt <br /> ($25,8]2J,antl m�eaffectztl ��#2 2011_12 elecOOnM1eltlonJUly1], veM1ide OonaOOnsfmm ($4,BBBJ�,antlMetli�l Gant <br /> oo�aoo�s(ais�0007 aeParcmemsro am�ai z°iz re�me�a(aa7so7 R�reNecomsm�as <br /> mountof$84,58] ($4,]82J <br /> Gerreral Funtl <br /> Revenue <br /> Pro e Taxes $ 136,928,193 $ $ 136,928,193 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 136,928,193 <br /> Sales Taxes $ 15,742,304 $ $ 15,742,304 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15,742,304 <br /> License antl Pertni[s $ 313,000 $ $ 313,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 313,000 <br /> In[er ovemmeMal $ 13,595,810 $ $ 13,595,810 $ 31,977 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 51,688 $ $ 13,682,475 <br /> Char esforService $ 9,292,257 $ $ 9,292,257 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,292,257 <br /> Inves[men[Eamin s $ 105,000 $ 105,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 105,000 <br /> Niscellaneous $ 798,340 $ 798,310 $ 15,000 $ 10,942 $ 2,330 $ 826,612 <br /> Transfers from O[her Funtls $ 1,040,000 $ 1,040,000 $ 1,040,000 <br /> Funtl Balance $ 2,187,872 $ 2,187,872 $ 24,597 $ 49,327 $ 25,500 $ 2,287,296 <br /> TotalGeneralWrMRevenues $ 180,002,776 $ $ 180,002,776 $ 49,977 $ $ 24,597 $ $ $ 49,327 $ 25,500 $ 10,942 $ 54,018 $ $ 180,217,137 <br /> Ex enditures <br /> Govemin &Mana emen[ $ 15,339,623 $ $ 15,339,623 $ $ $ 34,191 $ $ $ $ $ 10,942 $ $ $ 15,316,374 <br /> General Services $ 17,910,408 $ $ 17,910,408 $ $ $ $ $ $ 49,327 $ $ $ $ $ 17,959,735 <br /> Communi &EnvironmeM $ 5,851,987 $ $ 5,851,987 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,851,987 <br /> Human Services $ 30,711,556 $ $ 30,711,556 $ 49,977 $ $ 58,788 $ $ $ $ $ $ 54,018 $ $ 30,874,339 <br /> Public Saf $ 20,121,532 $ $ 20,121,532 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25,500 $ $ $ $ 20,147,032 <br /> Cul[ure&Recrea[ion $ 2,332,405 $ $ 2,332,405 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,332,405 <br /> Etluca[ion $ 82,300,131 $ 82,300,134 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 82,300,134 <br /> Transfers Ou[ $ 5,435,131 $ 5,435,131 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,435,131 <br /> TotalGeneralWrMAppropnation $ 180,002,776 $ $ 180,002,776 $ 49,977 $ $ 24,597 $ $ $ 49,327 $ 25,500 $ 10,942 $ 54,018 $ $ 180,217,137 <br /> $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ <br /> Solitl Waste Funtl <br /> Revenues <br /> Sales&Fees $ 8,368,480 $ 8,368,480 $ 8,368,480 <br /> In[ergovemmeMal $ 483,622 $ 483,622 $ 483,622 <br /> Niscellaneous $ 123,605 $ 123,605 $ 123,605 <br /> Licenses&Pertni[s $ 67,520 $ 67,520 $ 67,520 <br /> In[eres[on Inves[meMS $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 <br /> From General Funtl(Sani[a[ion Opers) $ 1,594,226 $ 1,594,226 $ 1,594,226 <br /> Appropria[etl Funtl Balance $ 4,284,065 $ 4,2&1,065 $ 3,000,000 $ 7,2&1,065 <br /> TotalRevenues $ 14,929,018 $ $ 14,929,018 $ $ $ $ $ 3,000,000 $ $ $ $ 17,929,018 <br /> Ex entli[ures <br /> GerreralServices $ 14,929,018 $ 14,929,018 $ 3,000,000 $ 17,929,018 <br /> Fire Distnct Funtls <br /> Revenues <br /> PropertyTax $ 3,608,643 $ 3,608,643 $ 3,608,643 <br /> In[ergovemmeMal $ $ $ 25,000 $ 25,000 <br /> Inves[men[Eamings $ $ $ <br /> Appropria[etl Funtl Balance $ 10,911 $ 10,911 $ 10,911 <br /> TotalFireDisfnctsFUntlRevenue $ 3,619,554 $ $ 3,619,554 $ $ $ $ 25,000 $ 3,644,554 <br /> Expentli[ures <br /> Remittance to Fire Districts $ 3,619,554 $ 3,619,554 $ 25,000 $ 3,644,554 <br /> i <br />