Minutes - 20051017
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20051017
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8/14/2008 2:28:41 PM
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8/13/2008 2:35:47 PM
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include the relocation of all other agriculture related functions in the Planning and <br />Agriculture Building in order to maintain effective collaboration among the <br />departments.} <br />Option 4: Consider marketing the building for sale. FYI, the current tax value <br />according to the Tax Assessor's office is $291,877 <br />She said that staff did a site visit and the Building Inspector said that there would be no <br />problem with having office space in this building. The Parks Operations Base would not create a <br />lot of complications either, but there would need to be firewalls to separate the two offices and the <br />Parks Operations Base. The space could be renovated under one of five different codes and <br />probably not have to have sprinklers. The plumbing and HUAC would have to be upgraded and <br />the roof is on the replacement schedule far this coming year. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that they visited the OE building, and he agrees that building <br />retaining walls and other requirements are too expensive for the short-term use of five years. He <br />said that all of the mechanical equipment should be stored at Public Works and not within <br />Recreation and Parks. He would like to look at siting a facility at Public Works and expanding <br />onto the existing Public Works building for the Recreation and Parks equipment. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to see a fiscal analysis far a parks operation center versus <br />spending $33,OOOIyear on rent. He would like to see the minimalist approach to this. He would <br />also like to see the reactions of the farm agencies to being moved from the northern part of <br />Hillsborough to this site. He said that if they add more farm services staff then this could be a <br />wash. The question would then become whether ERCD still needs to move out of the Planning <br />building if the farm agencies free up the space. He said that the more long-term the solution, the <br />more cost effective it would be. <br />Chair Carey asked that the analysis include the possibility of locating the Parks Operations <br />Base at Public Works. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked if they were trying to get the operations base and office space <br />in the same spot and Pam Janes said that, under an ideal circumstance, yes, but if they are <br />looking at putting the base at Fairview, it is probably appropriate just to move that function and <br />leave the administrative staff where they are for the time being. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it would be important to talk with the various departments to <br />understand the needs of each department. <br />Storage Facility Acquisition: <br />John Link said that in the particular location that is being considered, there is another <br />footprint for another storage facility. He said that this might not be able to be done without <br />constructing another building. <br />Pam Jones said that they would have some resolution on the storage facility acquisition <br />within the next few weeks. <br />Chair Carey suggested that Commissioners Halkiotis and Jacobs look at this analysis first <br />before coming back to the Board. Pam Janes said that they would like to bring this back in late <br />November or early December. <br />Board of Elections Space Request: <br />Pam Jones said that Board of Elections needs additional operations and storage space. Two <br />options from the space study included relocating EDC to the facility that shall not be named and <br />allowing the Board of Elections to take over the whole first floor of the Court Street Annex; and <br />the second option was moving EDC or the Board of Elections to the Orange Enterprises building. <br />She suggested that the Board let the staff work through the acquisition of the storage facility and <br />bring a floor plan back. <br />
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