Orange County NC Website
JOINTLY - O~?~%NED GOVERNNIENT LAND <br />Joal Broun asked how we develop affordable housing on land that is jointly owned by the governments, and <br />what avenues are there to develop that property. <br />Alex Zat~'ron stated that it «~as agreed that affordable housing was going to be part of the Greene Tract. There <br />are infrastnicture challenges (extension of se«~er lines}. <br />Moses Carey suggested that the agreement be reviewed to determine what the various governments were <br />required to do in order for the County to move forward. <br />Jacquelyn Grist asked if staff could revie«~ what the agreement states. <br />Rod Visser, Assistant County Manager, recapped the work of the Green Tract Work Group. The group met in <br />2001 and 2002 and reached its recommendations. A resolution was adopted in 2002. Of the 104 acres on the <br />south side, 18 acres would be oriented toward affordable housing. The other acres would be a conservation area.. <br />Joal Broun asked about infrastructure changes since the ~~~ork group meetings. <br />Rod V"isser said that Rush Hollow has the closest water and sewer. <br />Joal Broun said that as time passes, the cost of construction increases and we cannot control it, and encouraged <br />discussion of this affordable housing. <br />Mark Chilton said we need a plan for development of the Greene Tract. Neighbors need to participate in <br />discussion along with affordable housing organizations and potential consumers. He suggested rental and <br />ownership opportunities. The sooner we start having dialogue as a community, the sooner we will have a plan <br />and discuss where the funds will come from to consti-~zct the infrastructure. He suggested that during 200b, we <br />bring together stakeholders to flesh out a plan for that area of the Greene Tract. <br />Joal Broun suggested having a committee to get it started to come back to all the boards for discussion. <br />Alex Zaffron stated that the next step was to prepare a small area plan for that property. <br />Barry Jacobs referred to Fred Battle's letter regarding the Rogers Road community. V4'e talked about having <br />recreation on the Greene Tract and that is discussed in Mr. Battle's letter. The lack of bus seiā€¢~~ice is also <br />mentioned in the letter. One of the things that has been a hindrance is that none of us want to pay our share of <br />the solid waste enterprise fund for our share of the Greene Tract.. Until the County owns the land, it is difficult <br />to do anything on it. <br />Moses Carey said that we targeted dates when payment needs to begin. He stated that passive recreation was <br />also discussed for the Greene Tract. <br />Alex Zat~'ron said it «-~as left as an open question as to whether passive or active recreation «~ould be allowed. <br />Jim Ward said that the Chapel Hill Town Council has expressed interest in doing a small area plan for that <br />general area. It is important that the Chapel Hill small area plan process dovetails with development of the <br />Greene Tract. The Chapel Hill staff ~~~ill not be able to work on the small area plan until next year <br />I~~Iark Kleinschmidt encouraged Cairboro and Orange County to kick in Borne resources to begin the small area <br />plan process earlier. He stated that it would be a shame to prepare a small area plan for the 18 acres and not <br />include the remainder of that property. <br />