Orange County NC Website
1 [) <br />Mark Chilton stated that several Carrboro Aldermen spent a lot of time in the Rogers Road neighborhood <br />meeting with those neighbors and advocating for them. We were all very disappointed that this community <br />decided we did not have the resources available to put sewer in the Rogers Road neighborhood. Nothing could <br />be more ironic than for sewer to be run some other way to serve the save purpose using the same fund that could <br />not find money to run sewer along Rogers Road can now find money for Eubanks Road. There is no way he <br />can support a sewer on Eubanks Road. <br />Moses Carey said the County Commissioners' goal was not to serve any community--it is only to serve that <br />facility. The Water and Sewer Boundary Agreement was designed to take into consideration this kind of need in <br />declaring a facility such as this an essential public service. Any one of the jurisdictions could be in a position of <br />providing such a facility. The facility cannot serve any of the functions other than administrative if public <br />se~~ver is not available to it. Our board thinks this is an essential public service that meets the criteria in the <br />water and sewer boundary agreement. <br />a:a~a=a:~a:a:h~a;a:x <br />Joal Broun thanked e~•=eryone for coming. <br />The meeting t~--°as adjourned at 10:12pm <br />Michael R. Nelson <br />14lavor <br />Sarah C. t~~illiamson <br />Town Clerk <br />