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Lisa Stuckey reminded everyone that there are significant differences in the two <br />programs. She said that the Middle College starts at noon and goes until 5:00 p.m., whereas <br />the interdistrict program is a full-day commitment. It is a totally different kind of experience. <br />Chair Carey asked if there were any transfers in the other direction (OCS students to <br />CHCCS} and Superintendent Pedersen said that they do not accept any out of district students <br />except for employees' children. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about costs to the students who are attending the OCS <br />and Superintendent Carraway said they were not charged. <br />Dennis Whitling said that he knows of three families that chose to move from CHCCS to <br />OCS for the IB program. <br />Chair Carey shared with Board of County Commissioners information about the High <br />Five program that he attended last week and said he continues to be awed about the goal to <br />eliminate dropouts. He encouraged the Commissioners to stay tuned to that discussion <br />because he is sure that the priorities to achieve that goal have not been completely thought <br />through yet. He asked how the $500,000 that is supposed to be available for the next 5 years <br />(the goal is for 8 years) is going to be allocated and is there some process that you have to go <br />through to get access to that $500,000 or some part of it. <br />Superintendent Carraway said they do not actually have access to the money because <br />the money is used to fund the activities that the organization puts on or sponsors and the dollars <br />do not come to the school districts. For example, one of the items that is in your packet tonight <br />is a convocation that was at the RBC Center on August 22, which was funded through the <br />money that was generated through the donations from the five partners. The dollars do not <br />come to the school district. <br />Chair Carey expressed his dismay that none of the $500,000 actually came to the school <br />district. <br />Superintendent Carraway said the money is spent in the five districts and they have the <br />benefits but not the dollars. <br />Chair Carey said perhaps when we have our next district meeting someone could help <br />him understand how it was going to benefit the school district. <br />AI Hartkopf said that Lisa Stuckey, Neil Pedersen and he all attended the district <br />conference in Asheboro and three points were made: collaborative buying, to a lesser extent <br />collaborative selling, and funneling purchases through the county as much as possible since the <br />schools cannot recoup the sales tax. Mr. Hartkopf covered in detail each of these three points <br />and feels very strongly that the Schools and the County should take advantage of all the <br />possibilities available. He hopes that these points can be discussed in depth at the <br />collaboration meetings. <br />Chair Carey said that although he feels sure that same of our board members would like <br />to comment, this concept goes beyond the construction project manager concept, but the idea <br />does include other things. That is something that can be worked on with bath school boards <br />and if there were ways to save some money, the Commissioners would be willing to consider <br />them. Chair Carey referred to attachment I-a-3-b (Mr. Segal's report) and said that they may <br />want to get some comments on this since both school systems have adopted the intent on this <br />and have begun to pursue some of the savings that Mr. Segal discusses in his document. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Segal report is consistent with what AI Hartkopf was <br />talking about and we want to look for ways to collaborate. Commissioner Jacobs said that we <br />need to see what we saved and he said there are some things that we discussed last spring <br />that do no show up here. He suggested for Mr. Segal to go back and add these. He said that it <br />looks like Mr. Segal has made some significant progress and it is good that they are looking at <br />ways to save and try to do the best with the resources available. Even though it has been <br />sporadic, this has been a good example of how collaboration can work. He is glad to see Mr. <br />