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have to do this for everyone-putting all of their lines underground. He said their relationship <br />with the State and the Utility Commission is, as much as they possibly can, to build it <br />inexpensively, build it wisely and build it safely. Overhead construction does this. The problem <br />is consistency. He said he can ask his board the question but he does not have the authority to <br />deviate. <br />Chair Carey asked Craig Benedict about the underground vs. overhead lines and the <br />SUP which was issued by the County. <br />Craig Benedict said that this section is in the EDD and requires all utility lines to be <br />underground by their regulations. He said that the bottom line is that the utilities are to be <br />underground and deviation is not anticipated. <br />John Link said that the Board of County Commissioners can deviate and can make a <br />judgment and that this is a public purpose. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that when you talk about natural disasters such as tornados, <br />there is an advantage to putting lines underground. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the utilities commission's report said that replacing the <br />existing overhead distribution lines with underground lines would cost approximately $41 billion, <br />nearly six times the net book value of the utilities' current distribution assets, and would require <br />approximately 25 years to complete. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he is looking for some sort of compromise such as <br />possibly carrying the lines across the width of the property gratis and then putting the lines on <br />the county side of the road, if this is not in violation of the county's SUP. Later the county can <br />pay at some subsequent time if they choose to bury the lines. He is just looking for a way to <br />move this forward. Duke Power can be the good corporate citizen that it likes to portray itself as <br />and perhaps is and we can get some decision makers or people who potentially can bring the <br />policy to the table so we can bring a resolution back to the boards. The sooner we can have this <br />meeting, the sooner we can move. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made this proposal in the form of a motion. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs and seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />not to allocate $250,000 to OCS and to ask far a meeting with Chair Carey, Commissioner <br />Halkiotis, OCS representatives, DOT, Piedmont Electric and Duke Power and to find out if DOT <br />will grant a right of way. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Carey said that he is not prepared now or in the future to approve giving the OCS <br />$250,000 for this. <br />Superintendent Carraway said if they were able to set up a meeting, haw quickly can <br />they get this information back to the Board of County Commissioners? She said that OCS is <br />very close to not being able to meet their time frame for middle school #3. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the only process that the zoning ordinance allows is a rezoning in <br />the SUP and this standard cannot change in one week. <br />Geof Gledhill said that you would have to have a public hearing and John Link said that <br />could be accomplished in the month of October and Geof Gledhill said that this is possible with <br />a special meeting at the end of the month. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said they could advertise now for a special meeting. <br />John Link asked Scott Gardner about a payment plan and Mr. Gardner said usually all <br />monies are paid upfront and he is not aware of any payment plans. <br />Chair Carey said that assuming the $250,000 is paid, when will the loop line get <br />constructed and Scott Gardner said that this money is only for underground burial and they will <br />install the lines overhead for free. Duke Power is not going to invest capital just to sit there. <br />