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they are talking about an increase of almost the magnitude that was what our adapted budget <br />includes. He emphasized that they are not here requesting anything tonight but it is going to be <br />a challenge that they will be facing within the next couple of months that was not anticipated. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked that Superintendent Pedersen include this information with <br />the other information requested by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Chair Carey asked whom the Governor was talking with about how he is going to <br />allocate this money. <br />Superintendent Pedersen said the liaison had mentioned that we are least competitive at <br />the low end of the salary range that will actually cost us mare money. <br />Lisa Stuckey said that she talked to the Executive Director of the state BOE about this <br />issue and asked if our legislators did not understand the impact of these late decisions and was <br />told that all associations had asked the legislature to finish up their budgets earlier. <br />Chair Carey said that the last item was a matter that the OCS BOE had asked the Board <br />of Commissioners to consider. The CHCCS Board members are welcome stay if they wish. <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education members may adjourn at this point; the <br />Orange County Board of Education has requested that the Board of Commissioners <br />remain to discuss one additional matter <br />Nick Didow said that he, Jamezetta Bedford and Mike Kelly would stay for this <br />discussion. <br />2. CountylOCS Matter- Middle School #3 Infrastructure Issues <br />Chair Carey said that this section is to address infrastructure casts with the OCS's third <br />middle school. He welcomed Scott Gardner who is the representative far Duke Power <br />Company <br />Superintendent Carraway said she had sent a letter to everyone about the three options <br />related to getting power to Middle School #3. She asked Dr. George McFarley, Associate <br />Superintendent for Support Services for Orange County Schools, to explain. <br />Dr. McFarley said there are several concerns they have with the power issue with <br />Middle School #3. It lies in the Duke Power's service area. (Dr. McFarley painted out an the <br />map the location of the lift station at the request of Commissioner Halkiotis.) The lift station is in <br />Piedmont Electric's service area. Before the school construction began, there was a residence <br />located in this area and Duke Power serviced it. The issue with Piedmont providing power just <br />to the lift station is that it is not economically feasible to bring three-phase power up to this point <br />with that being the only customer. So Piedmont has relinquished that lift station to Duke Power <br />to provide power not only to the lift station but also to the school. Duke Power is requiring that <br />the school district grant them easement not only for bringing electricity onto the school site but <br />also to get it out to West Ten Road. So he said that they are going to talk about some of the <br />options that we have entertained, but that is the big issue. <br />Chair Carey asked where the three phase line currently ended. <br />Scott Gardner pointed out that the three-phase line currently ends off the map. The <br />three-phase line comes across I-8511-40 and the overhead service aver I-40 and dips and <br />serves the DOT Weigh Station. Duke Power would from that point extend the three phase <br />facilities south along their 44K Valt transmission line and then on to this next site and at that <br />point go along the edge of Orange County School's property and come onto the property. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the total easement path. <br />Scott Gardner said that the easement path to get to the dip hole which is Duke Power's <br />Option 1 (Dr. McFarley reminded Mr. Gardner that Duke Power's Option 1 was not OCS number <br />