Minutes - 20050926
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050926
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Superintendent Pedersen said that for CHCCS there were 226 more students than last <br />year and 138 students over what the state projected. This is more or less the opposite of what <br />happened last year when they were about 20 students under the state projection. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about their projections for this year. <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that these are the state projections and Steve Scroggs, <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools, reported that they projected a little bit higher than the DPI and <br />more accurate than DPI and they adjust to the DPI numbers. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis requested a more simplistic statement from both systems of how <br />many children shaved up and how many were funded on the per pupil amounts. <br />3. 2005-06 Adopted School Budgets <br />Chair Carey asked far comments an the adopted budgets far the 2005-06 school year <br />which are Items 1-b, 3a and 3b. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that the documents clearly indicate haw much money each <br />school district asked for, what they actually got, what is the difference, and what is the reason <br />for the differences? She was not asking for this information right now but to receive the <br />information at the same time that Commissioner Halkiotis' request for a simpler reporting on the <br />number of students that showed up and how many were funded is received. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked how much they actually budgeted vs. how much they <br />requested overall. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it would be helpful to know what CHCCS and OCS <br />could salvage and what they could not implement and could not fund. Basically he wanted to <br />know what each school district got and what they did not get. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that they are asking about both operating and capital <br />expenditures. This past year the Commissioners raised the CHCCS district tax a little less than <br />a penny, to replace money the Commissioners had taken from the capital budget, in order to <br />hold CHCCS harmless. CHCCS chose to use this money for the operating budget instead of <br />the capital budget. Commissioner Gordon said she was asking about the entire budget request. <br />Superintendent Carraway said she keeps assuming they will get some sort of format for <br />this reporting. <br />John Link said the Superintendents would meet tomorrow and will discuss this and get <br />the requested information to the Board of Commissioners. <br />AI Hartkopf pointed out that on attachment 1 b-3b, page 3 at the bottom of facing page <br />under "Expansion or New Initiative Budget", the BOE requests are listed and under the Manager <br />Recommendation column the new initiatives that were not funded are listed. This is what the <br />school boards were not able to get. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis reminded everyone that the Manager does not recommend the <br />school budget. <br />Superintendent Carraway said that these were the forms that they were given to <br />complete. <br />Mr. Link said that this would be discussed at the Superintendent's meeting tomorrow. <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that in the state's budget this year the Governor was <br />allocated $85 million dollars to use to improve teacher salaries across the state and he has not <br />taken any action on this yet but he will. It was suggested in a recent meeting that probably the <br />most likely scenario would translate to an across the board 1.6°~ increase that will hit districts <br />who have the larger local supplements and the greater number of local teachers with a cast that <br />they did not anticipate. Superintendent Pedersen said they wound up with a 2°k increase so <br />
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