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<br />County Members to the Air C2uality Advisory Committee, to be appointed at a subsequent <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that part of this is that there is a committee and the Board of <br />County Commissioners can appoint two at-large. She wants to specifically ask the Commission <br />for the Environment far air quality members. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve awarding a contract to ICLEI Energy Services of Toronto to conduct a joint greenhouse <br />gas (GHG) emissions inventory and emissions reduction action plan, and to approve an <br />interlocal Memorandum of Agreement between the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill and <br />Orange County regarding administration of the project; and authorize the County Manager to <br />execute the contract, subject to final review by the County Attorney; and to accept the grant in <br />the amount of $14,100 from the DCHC MPO, and solicit appointment of Orange County <br />Members to the Air Quality Advisory Committee, to be appointed at a subsequent meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />a. Resolution Providing Comments to the Transportation Advisory Committee of <br />the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization <br />Regarding the Regional Priority List for 2007-2013 Transportation <br />Improvement Program <br />The Board considered endorsing comments to the Transportation Advisory Committee <br />(TAC) of the Durham-Chapel Hill -Carrboro (DCHC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) <br />regarding the draft regional priority list for the 2007-2013 Transportation Improvement Program <br />(TIP). <br />Karen Lincoln summarized this item. The TAC committee is scheduled to adopt a <br />regional priority list that includes the comments from local jurisdictions, and then it will be <br />submitted to the NCDOT for their draft 2007-2013 TIP. The draft document is scheduled to be <br />released in January or February 2006. <br />The agenda package has two sets of comments. The first set deals with Orange <br />County's priority list adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. The second set of <br />comments deals with I-85. The project was initiated by NCDOT and not Orange County. There <br />are some improvements associated with the project that are important to Orange County. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that Commissioner Jacobs and she reviewed this draft and <br />Karen Lincoln has incorporated their changes. She said that she requested a crosswalk on <br />Homestead Road for the seniors. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Robert Campbell said that if there is a crosswalk on Homestead Road, it should be a <br />pedestrian activated light because cars speed down Homestead Road. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to change the wording about the crosswalk because <br />DOT was not involved and has some serious safety concerns about this crosswalk. He <br />suggested the following change in the wording for #2: "Crosswalk to allow seniors safe access <br />to the park an the north side." This leaves it to DOT to figure out haw to make it safe. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the report from the senior group identified one area that <br />was a total failure in supporting pedestrian access on Homestead Road. He proposed that in <br />the CIP in the spring that they put in a sidewalk on the frontage of the County's property as the <br />only lacking link of pedestrian access on Homestead Road. <br />